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Standard TV Unit Height: How High Should a TV Stand Be?

A television in the house is one of the most common devices nowadays. With time, the design and features of TV have changed. 

Moreover, the arrangement of keeping the TV has also been changed. Many people like to keep the TV on a stand, and many like floating TV.

So, you might be confused about the TV unit height. If you want to know about the TV unit, you should know about the height of a TV stand. 

Moreover, you must know different requirements for different sizes of TV. Let’s see details about the TV unit and TV stand height.

Standard tv unit height

The TV stand height should be such that the middle of the TV is in your eyesight. For this, eyesight height should be at least 42 inches high. For example, if the TV is 55 inches, the stand should be at least 28.5 inches high. If the TV is larger, the height of the TV stand should be a bit higher.

However, TV sizes can be of different types. For various sizes of TVs, the stand size will also change.

The height of the TV and TV stand should be at a comfortable eye level. So, the height of the TV stand will vary for different sizes of TVs. Let’s see the height of the TV stands for various sizes of TVs.

For 50 inch tv:

You might know that the TV stand should be at the eye comfort level. So, the height should be at least 42 inches high from the floor. You have to measure the height from the floor to the middle of the TV.

That means you have to measure half of the TV height. For a 50 inches TV, 25 inches, and the height of the stand, both should be at least more than 42 inches. So, the TV stand of a 50 inches TV should be more than 20 inches high.

For 55 inch tv:

For a TV stand of 55 inch TV, you have to consider the TV height also. You know that the TV stand should be at the height of eye comfort. That means the total height of the middle of the TV and the stand should be at eyesight level.

If the height of the TV is 55 inches, the middle of the TV will be 27.5 inches. Moreover, the TV stand will have a height. So, the total height of the eyesight should be at least 42 inches. It will be perfect if the TV stand height is 28 inches for the 55 inches TV.

For 60 inch tv:

A 60 inch TV is a larger size TV. So, the height of the TV stand will also be modified. Generally, how high a TV stand should depend on your eye comfort. 

For example, if you are comfortable with the TV unit height above 42 inches, then you have to measure the height accordingly.

So, the height of the TV stand should be at least 28 inches high. Otherwise, the height will be too low.

For 65 inch tv:

The height of the TV stand for a 65 inch TV will be lower than the smaller size TV. Because if the TV stand is higher, you will face discomfort watching TV. The height of the TV stand of a 65 inch TV should be 25 inches.

If the height of the TV stand is more than 25 inches, the total height of the TV stand and TV will be higher than the eyesight comfort level. So, you must consider the total height of the TV unit.

What is the average height of a TV unit?

The average height of a TV unit is around 42 inches. The height of the TV unit and TV stand can be modified according to your preference. Generally, the average TV unit is considered the total height of the TV and the TV stand.

So, the average height of the TV unit will be changed if the TV size is changed. For example, if the TV is small, the TV stand should be tall so that the total height is at eye level.

On the other hand, if the TV is large, the stand should be less high. This will provide the height of the total unit at an eye-comfortable level.

Sometimes, the TV and the TV unit stand have a gap between them. So, when you measure the total height of the TV unit along with the TV height, you have to measure from the floor to the top edge of the TV.

However, if you think that you have to modify the height of the TV unit from the standard height, you can do it. Otherwise, the standard or overage height of the TV unit is from 42 to 49 inches.

What should be the floating tv unit height?

You might know that floating TV should have a minimum height. If the floating TV is placed at a very lower height, it will be uncomfortable for the eyesight. Moreover, it will reduce the good appearance of the TV unit and the room.

So, the average height of a floating TV unit is from 36 to 42 inches. This height is measured from the floor to the lower edge of the floating TV. Generally, this height will also allow space to keep the cabinet under the floating TV.

Generally, when you use a TV stand, the stand will have a cabinet along with it. So, you can decorate the TV stand with different elements. 

But if you have a floating TV, you will not have a TV stand. But the cabinet under the floating TV will have the features to decorate.

However, the floating TV should be at the level from where you can watch the TV comfortably. So, you can place the floating TV between 36 and 42 inches from the floor.

Two factors that affect tv unit height

Now that you know the average and standard height of the TV unit, you might want to know the factors associated with it. So, let’s see some factors that affect TV unit height.


When you watch TV, you have to look at a certain height for a long time. If the height is not at a level of your eyesight, it will cause discomfort to your eyes and shoulder. So, you have to consider the height from where you can watch the TV comfortably.

TV size and type:

TV can be of different sizes and types. For example, TV has different sizes, from smaller to larger, that are measured in inches. If the TV is larger, the TV unit will be at a lower height. But if the TV is smaller, the TV unit should be at a higher height.

On the other hand, TV type is another factor. If the TV is a floating one, the TV unit height will be at a certain level. But if the TV is not a floating one, it will have a TV stand.

How to install a tv unit at proper height?

Now that you know the different factors that determine the height of a TV unit, you might want to know the installation process. So, let’s see how you can install a TV unit at the proper height.

Determine the TV stand height:

First, you have to determine the TV stand height according to the height of the TV. TVs have different sizes. For example, a TV can be 50, 55, 60, or 65 inches. Each type of TV will require different size stands.

You have to measure the TV stand height in such a way that the total height should be 42 to 49 inches.

Placing the TV at the right height:

After measuring and placing the TV stand, you have to place the TV on the TV stand. But if the TV is a floating one, you have to mount the TV on the wall.

To do this, you have to mount the TV on the wall at a height that is comfortable for your eyesight. Moreover, the floating TV should be 36 to 42 inches from the floor.

Final Thoughts

A standard TV unit should have at least 42 inches in height. The TV unit is generally the TV stand along with the TV itself. So, the TV should be at a height that is compatible with your eyesight. So, the TV unit or TV stand height will vary according to the size and type of the TV.