Standard Shower Mixer Valve Height (Complete Guide)

The shower mixer is considered one of the most essential parts of the bathroom. It is a valve that draws from both your hot and cold water supplies and mixes them. In today’s article, we will discuss the standard shower mixer valve height. 

Standard shower mixer valve height

Generally, it is recommended to position the shower mixer valve 30 to 50 inches above the floor. This is a standard measurement for the general range. However, for shop tower units you can adjust the height a few inches about the tub or directly on the tub as a part of the faucet.

Decorating your bathroom is one of the most difficult jobs because it contains a lot of plumbing work that needs to be done perfectly. Generally, the bathroom consists of a variety of components.

Generally, the shower consists of a shower head, shower valve, mixing valve, and shower faucet. These components combined create a perfect bathroom. The shower mixer is one of the most essential parts of a shower which is a valve.

Generally, the shower mixer draws from both your hot and cold water supplies and mixes them so that you can control or adjust the temperature of your shower.

If you’re living in a cold climate area and you need to get warm water during your shower, you can try installing a shower mixer valve in your bathroom to get the water off balanced temperature.

When installing a shower mixer valve, you need to know the standard shower mixer valve height. It is very important to know the shower mixer valve height so that you can reach it from any angle when taking a shower.

The standard height for a shower valve should be within 30 to 50 inches above the floor, although it is considered a general range.

If you are going to install the shower mixer valve for stub shower units, the height can be just a few inches about the tub or directly on the tub as a part of the shower faucet.

This can be very efficient and convenient to install the shower mixer valve as it can be useful and easy to access for the user from any angle.

Below is a brief discussion on the shower mixer valve height of different brands of shower mixers:

Delta shower mixer valve: 

When considering installing the delta shower mixer valve in your bathroom, you should make sure that the valve is placed about waist high which is approximately 36 inches above the floor of the shower.

Moen shower mixer valve: 

When you are determined to install the Moen shower mixer valve in your bathroom, you should place it 30 to 50 inches above the floor, which is a general and standard range for the shower valves to be at.

Ada shower mixer valve height 

Ada Shower Mixer is one of the most popular types of shower mixers that people prefer to use in their bathrooms.

Generally, they are long-lasting, reliable, and stylish bathroom components that can change the look of your bathroom as well as the shower stall.

The ADA also comes with a shower mixer valve which can be placed in the shower to adjust the temperature of the water coming through the shower head.

The general purpose of having a shower mixer is to mix the cold and hot water coming from the supply pipes and make adjust the temperature by mixing them.

For ada shower mixer valve you need to follow the standard rolling type shower compartments, controls, faucets, and shower spray unit.

Every component should be located above the grab bar, but not higher than 48 inches above the shower floor.

The height should be maintained accordingly so that it can be easily accessible for the user.

What height should a shower valve & spout be set at? 

When installing a shower in your bathroom, you should follow the measurements accordingly and place them correctly so that they can be easily accessible for the user.

Considering that, you should always make sure that you measure the standard shower height when installing a shower in your bathroom. The recommended shower valve height should be around 38 to 45 inches above the ground.

However, if the shower valve doubles as a bathtub, the valve should be installed 8 to 18 inches above the tub spout to accommodate seated brothers for the user.

This can be a very efficient and convenient position for the shower valve and spout that can be easily accessible for the user.

That is why following the directions and measurements will provide you with the best results and positions.

3 factors that affect standard shower mixer valve height 

Generally, the height of your shower valve has a lot of things to do with the comfort and style of your bathroom. That is why you should have better planning when setting up the shower valve and the other components in the bathroom.

Sometimes it can be really difficult to figure out. The ideal height for the shower valve and its components.

That is why it is always recommended to follow the proper guidelines and instructions when planning your plumbing project. However, you can always follow the local codes or personal choices based on your preferences.

However, you should always make sure that the shower is easily accessible for the user from any point angle and comfortable to use. Below is a brief discussion of a few factors that can affect the standard shower mixer valve height: 

Local and personal codes: 

Generally, there are local and personal codes that can help you to figure out the standard shower valve height for your bathroom. You can follow any of them to get the best results. 

Shower valve type: 

There are several types of shower valves available in the market which require a specific height to be placed at.

Some companies will provide you with instructions on the standard height of the shower valve that will help you to figure out the right spot for the shower valve in your bathroom.

User accessibility: 

User accessibility is one of the major parts that determine the standard shower height for your bathroom. If the average family member is taller then you should place the shower valve at a higher position based on their height.

How do you size a shower mixer valve? 

The shower mixer valve is one of the most essential components of the bathroom that allows the shower to mix cold and hot water from the taps before sending it to the shower head.

There are several brands of shower valves available in the market that are highly effective. When you’re working on your plumbing project and you need to install a shower valve.

You need to follow the basic guidelines and instructions to get your job done perfectly. Generally, it is very important to follow the measurements in the height of your shower mixer valve so that they can pass the water through the pipes perfectly.

However, you can simply size a shower mixer valve by following the steps below: 

Find out the supply line: 

When sizing a shower mixer valve for the shower, the first thing you need to do is to decide how your hot and cold water supplies will be used. 

Isolate the supply line: 

Once you find out the water supply line of the shower mixer valve, you need to isolate the line and prepare to fit the water mixer valve in it. 

Install the water mixer valve: 

Finally, once you are done isolating the water supply line in your bathroom, you need to install the water mixer valve properly according to the measurements and your job will be done. 

Final Thoughts

The water mixer valve is considered one of the most essential parts of the bathroom that helps to provide you with a mixture of cold and hot water coming from the supply lines of the shower head. The standard height for the shower mixer valve should be 30 to 50 inches above the ground.

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