What Are the Standard Sizes for Shower Pans? (Answered)

Are you thinking of installing shower pans in your shower? Are you facing trouble in determining what size shower pan should perfectly fit your shower? Are you wondering whether or not the shower pans come in standard sizes?

What are the standard sizes for shower pans?

Nothing can beat the effectiveness of a shower pan when placed with the perfect measurement to enhance the aesthetics and functionality. Although shower pans do not come in one standard size, they still come in different standard sizes. Accordingly, the sizes are from 32 X 32 to 42 X 60 inches.

Shower pants are a great addition to your shower which not only gives your shower a more cohesive look rather it also provides the necessary support to your shower base.

Due to the differences in shower sizes, the shower pan’s sizes also differ a lot therefore, there isn’t any standard size for shower pans rather there are several standard sizes within a range to choose from.

Therefore, the standard sizes for shower pans are in the range of 32 X 32 inches to 42 X 60 inches.

In addition, the depth of the shower pans is also not standardized but there is a standardized practice of having the depth of the shower pan be measured out within the range of 2 to 6 inches.

Is shower pans a standard size? Do shower pans come in all sizes? 

Shower pans do not have a standard size as the size of the shower pan can be altered depending on the size of the shower or on the individual preferences and shower pans also come in all sizes.

In addition, the standard shower pan sizes range somewhere between 32 X 32 inches to 42 X 60 inches.

Whether the shower pan is tile material, fiberglass, acrylic, composite, and so on, the sizes will be within this range.

In addition, when it comes to the depth of the shower pan, you can go for somewhere between two to six inches but the standard practice is to have two inches of depth on the shower pan.

How to measure shower pan size? 

It is very important to accurately measure the measurement of the shower pans so that you don’t end up with a mismatched placement which can inhibit the aesthetic of your bathroom.

Therefore, being knowledgeable about the proper ways to measure shower pan sizes can help you to mold your decisions accurately.

Take Shower Pan’s Sides’ Measurement:

In this first step, you need to measure the size of the shower pans but you need to make sure you take the measurement of the outer edge.

In addition, you now need to take a measuring tape and measure out all the sides of the outer edges of a shower pan and you need to make sure you take the measurement straight from the top edge of the shower pan to the bottom.

Additionally, you need to make sure to note down all these measurements as the width measurement for further calculations.

Take the Shower Pan’s Depth Measurement:

You now need to take measurements of the inside of the shower pan. Accordingly, to do that, you need to hold the measuring tape from the inside of the pan’s top edge to the bottom. Accordingly, this measurement will be known as depth measurements.

Consider the Drain Placement:

You now need to take measurements from the outer edges of the shower pan to the drain itself. Additionally, you may also take account of the wall studs to make sure there is a tailormade fit.

Calculate the Measurements:

In this step, you now need to multiply both the width measurement and depth measurement of the shower pan.

Accordingly, the numerical figure you end up finding after the multiplication is the measurement of the whole shower pan’s area.

How long do shower pans last?

Determining the longevity of the shower pans will depend a lot on several factors like the material of the shower pans and on the usage. 

Accordingly, as a general rule of thumb, the shower pan is safe to last for almost 10 years on average.

In addition, among all the other shower pan materials, the acrylic shower pan material is the strongest as it will last for a long time because of its corrosion-resistant ability and durability.

However, the acrylic sheet with which the shower pan is made can stretch over the years which can thus cause to develop cracks into its form which will also lessen the longevity of the shower pan.

Additionally, when it comes to composite shower pans, it can give durability and longevity for almost 5 to 10 years with its natural stone component.

Additionally, it is very natural for your shower pan to lose its elasticity and strength with time and usage. 

Therefore, it will eventually develop cracks, deflection problems, leaks, and so on, and all these will be responsible for lessening the longevity of shower pans.

Should you use a shower pan or tile? 

Whether you should use a shower pan or shower tile depends a lot on several factors. Accordingly, if you want to go for a cheaper option, then shower pans will be the best choice compared to shower tiles.

In addition, being low maintenance, shower pans can help you to keep your repairing bills at bay whereas, it is more expensive to install shower tile and to re-grout the tiles.

Additionally, when it comes to waterproofing, it is best to use shower pans because it comes in one piece which obstructs any water from going into the subfloor.

However, this is not the case for tiles because when the tile’s grout is damaged, the water can seep through the grout lines and go into the subfloor thus damaging the whole structure of the shower.

When it comes to durability or longevity, it is better to use shower tiles as they will last you for more than 20 years whereas shower pans will only last you 10 years.

Furthermore, when it comes to eco-friendliness, you should choose shower tiles as they are made out of the extract of stones which makes them eco-friendly.

Conversely, shower pans are made out of fiberglass-type material which is why these materials are not eco-friendly and are also not biodegradable.

What is the difference between a shower base and a shower pan? 

Both shower base and shower pan are very crucial when it comes to the perfect placement of the shower and there are several differences between the two.

Therefore, being knowledgeable about the proper differences can help you to mold your decisions accordingly and appropriately.


One of the key differences between a shower base and a shower pan is actually related to the material itself.

Although water-resistant material is common for both types, the materials with which both of these components are made are vastly different.

Accordingly, a shower base is typically made out of mortar or thin-set cement. Additionally, when it comes to shower pans, they are made out of metal, composite, fiberglass, cast iron, stone, acrylic, and so on.

In addition, a shower pan usually comes in a single-piece pan and this feature may be absent when it comes to shower base.


Several distinctions are also found in the function of both shower base and shower pan. Accordingly, the shower base is actually a substructure of the shower which means it is the structure that is holding the infrastructure of the shower floor itself. 

Additionally, when it comes to the shower pan, it is actually the component that you see on top of a shower base and the surface on which you stand on in the shower.

In addition, it is actually the responsibility of the shower base to make sure the shower pan is in place as shower pans go over a shower base for ensuring support.

Accordingly, when it comes to the function of both of these elements, a shower base seems more important than a shower pan as it is part of the structure itself. 


The shower base is basically what makes your shower more solid which then ensures the proper placement of tiles or shower pans.

In addition, it is actually the responsibility of the shower base to make sure the shower is waterproof, and therefore it is often required that you create a slope by hand because a shower base doesn’t come with a slope.

However, when it comes to shower pans, they are single pieces of pan-shaped components that fit on top of the shower base and have built-in slopes.

Final Thoughts

You can literally enhance the longevity of your shower by placing shower pans perfectly and to do that, you need to have the perfect measurement for the shower pans. Therefore, on the basis of your shower, the size should be somewhere between the standard sizes of 32 X 32 to 42 X 60 inches.

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