How to Fix an Open Neutral? (Explained)

Fixing an open neutral can be a little tricky if you’re not sure about the exact procedures that you need to follow. It can even pose a fire risk if you’re not careful. From checking the voltage to turning off the power source, there are many intricate details associated with the process.

In this article, we will discuss how you can fix an open neutral safely and carefully. We will also discuss the fire riskes that it poses and how you can safely avoid any accidents while working on the process. So read ahead to learn more about it.

What is an open neutral?

It is a bit tricky to identify an open neutral. But this is the first step that you will need to carry out in order to fix the issue. If you want to learn how to fix an open neutral, you will first need to learn about the wires.

There is a black one, a white one, and a red one. The black wire and the red wire work together with the white neutral wire in order to make the circuit work.

When there is a loose connection between two points in a neutral wire, it is called open neutral. The hot wires carry electrical current between power receptacles and appliances. And the neutral wire is used to complete the path of the circuit to the electric panel.

But when the circuit is open and the connection is broken, it is identified as an open neutral. Note that when the neutral line is open, it means that your appliance is getting electric current through the neutral wire.

How to fix an open neutral?

In order to fix an open neutral, you’ll first have to identify the underlying cause behind it. The possible solution is that you will need to replace the receptacle outlet appliance. You might also have to make changes in the wiring of the circuit. Get it checked by an experienced professional.

Fixing an open neutral can be quite tricky. There are many intricate details involved in the process. You will need experienced hands on the wiring system of the circuit in order to fix an open neutral. We have prepared a step-by-step guide to help you out with the process.

Check the voltage:

As the first step in fixing an open neutral, you will need to check the voltage in your home. Note that in a normal outlet, the volts should be zero from the neutral to the grounds. Also note that from hot to the ground, the volts should be 120 volts.

Check the voltage of the wires using your multimeter. If you get a reading of 120 volts, it indicates that the neutral wire is disconnected. 

Cut the power off:

Once you have a reading on the voltage of the wire, it is time to cut the power off. This step is crucial while dealing with any electrical wiring. It will keep you safe from electrocution and any sort of injury while dealing with electricity.

Open the cover of the outlet:

Now you will need to open the outlet cover. Make sure to use screwdrivers for this step. The number of screws will vary according to the type of outlet that you are dealing with.

Now you will have to make sure that there is no voltage in the system. The tester should read zero at this point.

Cut the voltage:

Now you will have to ensure that there is no voltage in the system. Once you have opened the outlet, you will need to use a voltage tester to make sure that the electric circuit is expired. The tester should give a nil reading in such a case.

Unscrew the receptacle:

At this point, you will have to unscrew the receptacle. Once you have opened the voltage cover and checked the voltage, it is time to unscrew the receptacle. You will need to use your screwdriver to get the task done.

Check the receptacle:

Check for an open neutral at this point. If you do not find any open wire here, check whether the receptacle is faulty.

In order to identify a bad receptacle, take the voltage reading. If you find that the voltage reading is 120 volts after bridging the cross, then it indicates that the receptacle is bad.

In that case, you will need to replace the receptacle. Note that the black and white wires are connected to the existing receptacle. So while replacing it, you will need to carefully remove the wires from the receptacle.

Check for open neutral:

Now you will need to check for an open neutral. Gently unscrew the receptacles and pull them to expose the wire. Check for the neutral wire.

You are likely to find a neutral or white wire in the process. If you do, make sure to check the wire for any disconnection.

If you find disconnection, make sure to reconnect the wire. This will sort the open neutral issue.

Reconnect the open wire:

Now that you have identified the open wire, you will need to work on reconnecting it. Once you reconnect the disconnected wire, the open neutral problem will be fixed.

At this point, a common mistake is that people forget to put the outlet or the receptacle back in its place. Make sure to put them back in order. 

Is open neutral dangerous?

Open neutrals can be very dangerous if you leave them untreated. You will need to consider the dangers of an open neutral thoroughly. Otherwise, you will risk causing very costly damage to your car.

Fire risk:

Open wire causes the connection of the circuit to break. It then causes an arc.

However, the arc is mostly very short. But it can cause some serious damage within that short period. Note that the formation of arc is often unpredictable. So if the arc ends up taking longer than it normally does, it may even cause fire risk. 

Appliance shock:

When you have an open wire, voltage fluctuation in the house can cause shock to the household appliances. When you experience very low or high voltage in the house, it will cause a shock to your appliances.

For example, if a sudden influx causes a 240 volt in your house, your 120-volt device may not be able to withstand it. This will damage the appliances.

Devices may overheat:

When you’re working with an open neutral, your devices may end up overheating. The heat may even cause a fire in the house. It is dangerous to let your devices work with an open neutral wire.

What are the symptoms of open neutral?

There are several symptoms that will clearly indicate that you have an open neutral wire. One of the most prominent symptoms is that the lights in the house will get dim and bright, alternating the brightness. In fact, you will notice that there are some lights that have gotten so bright that they are burning out.

What causes an open neutral on an outlet?

There may be many causes behind an open neutral on an outlet. Your outlet may have an open neutral if the neutral wire breaks the connection between the panel and the line transformer.

Simply put, open neutral on an outlet indicates that the connection between the neutral and the panelboard is disrupted. You will need to fix the connection in order to fix the open neutral.

Can an open neutral cause a fire?

Yes, an open neutral may cause a fire. It is among some of the most prevalent reasons behind house fires. Most fires that are associated with electrical fault are actually started by an open neutral.

It may be caused by a short arc or high voltage fluctuation. When a 120-volt appliance is passed by 240 volts, it is most likely to overheat or burn out. The appliances may be so hot that they cause the fire themselves.

The devices in your home that are subject to an open wire may overheat and catch fire. This may end up as a fire risk. So if you notice the symptoms of an open neutral, take action to prevent any further damage.

Final thoughts

Open neutral is caused when the wire between the panel board and the neutral is disconnected. You can simply reconnect the wire or replace the receptacle, depending on the severity of the issue. Whatever the damage may be, make sure to take action immediately because it is a fire risk.

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