How Much Sand and Cement Do I Need for Patio? (Answered)

Having a patio is common to adjust your paving way to your house to have a gossiping place. If your home has empty spaces in front or adjacent to your house, you can make a patio to utilize that area.

When you decide to make such a place, you need some raw materials, including cement, sand, and water.

But the amount would be different and will vary depending on your patio area. Today, we will try to make a perfect patio for your house that you can use by the ratio. 

How much sand and cement do I need for patio?

You need to measure the pavement or the space and then make a mixture of sand and cement. In that case, one part of cement should be mixed with four parts of sand. You will need one bag of cement with 4 bags of sharp sand for every 8 square meters of patio.

You may use different types of cement and sand; among them, sharp sand & plain cement will give you the safest mixture to make a good patio.

You can use a different brand of cement and sand to make your patio mixture, but the ideal one should contain all the high quality elements to make the best patio mixture.

Since the sharp sand and cement ratio will vary depending on your pavement or patio structure, design, and other factors, you should always maintain the standard amount for making an ideal mixture.

In that case, you must consider the mix and the ratio of sand and cement, and you must maintain a 4:1 ratio always.

Whatever your patio space is, you must follow that ratio to make a perfect mixture and an excellent patio that will be durable.

If you don’t follow the ratio, it will become messy, and the patio will be weak. As a result, it will fail to last for years, and the cement may come off after a while.

Cement will play a crucial role here; it will stick to your pavement or patio better than anything else. Since you don’t need to add anything else to strengthen the patio, you should never use less cement or equal cement as the sand.

The amount of cement will be four times your sand, and you may follow the ratio of 4:1 to get a perfect patio mixture.

Sharp sand:

As I explained, you should use more sharp sand than cement. If you use four buckets of cement, you must add 16 buckets of sharp sand.

You don’t need to add more cement than your needs or less sand than your patio space. Measuring your space first, then deciding the amount of sand and cement is better.

You cannot mix more sharp sand since it will damage the mixture, and the cement will fail to stick to your pavement.

So, choose the perfect amount of sharp sand according to your desired space. No worries, you can follow the ratio and find the ideal amount of sharp sand.


Cement is the best part of making any patio or pavement since it will allow you to design or cover empty spaces better and stick to the surface firmly.

You should always use one part of cement to four bags of sharp sand. Therefore, 1:4 is the best ratio for your cement & sand.

You cannot just use cement to make your patio and expect to build a great patio that will last for a long time.

You must consider mixing with some sharp sand that will help to make a good mixture, and indeed make a perfect patio that will join your empty space to your house.

How many bags of cement and sand are in 1 cubic meter of patio?

1 cubic meter of patio needs 5 bags of cement and 20 bags of sand that will come with aggregate and other mixtures as required.

The common role is to follow the ratio of 4:1, where the sand must be four times more than the cement. Since 1 bag of cement contains 50kg, you will need 5 bags of cement, which equals 250kg.

Besides, the sand must be four times, and thus it should be around 1000kg; therefore, the total number of sandbags must be 20 since they come with 50kg each. It’s a general role, but there is another role that you can follow to cover 1 cubic meter of the patio.

You may use 1:1.5 and some aggregate, and 150L water. In that case, you need to use 350kg cement, 550kg sand, 1200kg aggregate, and 150 liter water to cover 1 cubic meter of the patio.

Some people mix aggregate with the sand and go for the 1:4 ratio, where the sand will be four times the cement. You don’t need to add any extra aggregate here.

“2” factors that affect the sand and cement amount in patio

You may consider the two best factors that will ultimately affect the sand and cement amount in your patio mixture. They are:

Patio Area:

You must consider your patio area that will directly affect the amount of sand and cement mixture. If your area is about 1 cubic meter, you may follow our above tips and equation of using the exact amount of cement and sand.

However, if you have a bigger or smaller space, you must adjust the sand and cement amount accordingly.

You can always maintain the 4:1 ratio of sand and cement to get the perfect amount of them to cover the entire patio area.


If you add extra aggregate other than sand, the mixture of sand and cement will differ.

In that case, the new ratio would be 1.5:1 for the cement and sand. Apart from that, you must add 1200 kg aggregate for every 1 cubic meter patio area. And the water must be a minimum of 150 liters.

What is the mix of sand and cement for the patio?

The mix of sand and cement for the patio is mostly mortar mix where you will add one part cement with four parts sharp sand with enough water.

You need to add 150 liters of water for every 1 cubic meter of the patio, giving you an ideal mixture. It will also allow you to maintain the cement and sand quality.

You can mix sand and cement in a large bucket by adding one-fifth of cement and four-fifth (⅘) of sand along with enough water to make your first mixture for the patio.

After that, you can go for the mortar mix, where you can add six times sharp sand with one part of cement to make a regular mixture.

However, the best practice would be to follow the 4:1 ratio, where the sand will be four times your cement amount.

Before doing all these things, you must measure your patio area, and if it is more than 1 cubic meter, you should adjust the amount to get the perfect mixture to cover that area.

How do I calculate how much sand and cement I need for my patio?

These are the things that are denoted by the mix ratio:

Cement : Sand : Blue Metal = 1 : 1.5 : 3 = 5 5

The required volume of concrete for your patio also depends on the length, width, and depth you want for your patio.


Cement Quantity= (Cement Part / Concrete Parts) x Concrete Volume

Cement = (1/5.5) x 1.54 = 0.2798

Cement has a density of 1440 kilograms per cubic meter, which translates to 0.2798 times 1440 pounds, equal to 403.29 kilograms. As 1 Cement Bag Weight = 50 kg, 403.29/50 = 8.06 bags of cement will be required in every mixture for your patio.


The formula for calculating sand quantity is as follows: (sand Part / Concrete Parts) x Concrete Volume

Sand portion equals 1.5 (1:1.5:3); Concrete components = 1+1.5+3 = 5.5 Parts

The sand’s density equals about 1500 and 1550 kilograms per cubic meter.

Sand = (1.5/5.5) x 1.54 = 0.42. Cement has a density of 1500 kg/m3, which translates to 0.42 times 1500, or 630 kilograms. However, you will likely purchase your sand in cubic feet.

Final Thoughts

4:1 is the ideal ratio of sand and cement to make a perfect patio. According to that standard, you should add four parts of sharp sand with one part of cement to make an ideal mixture. You will need one bag of cement with 4 bags of sharp sand for every 8 square meters of patio.

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