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Why Is There Gunk in My Washing Machine? (Explained)

Gunk in the washing machine might be one of the disgusting things while using the device. It can make your clothes and fabrics dirty even after washing them.

Moreover, gunk can eventually damage the inner part of the washing machine. You might have tried to remove the gunk, but you have to know the reasons for an effective solution.

So, you might be confused about why there is gunk in your washing machine. You must know the reasons to prevent growing gunk again and again in the machine.

Moreover, learning about the method of getting rid of the gunk in the washing machine is essential. So, let’s see details about it.

What is the gunk in my washing machine?

You can see different types of gunk in your washing machine. The visible difference is the color of the gunk. So, the different colors will represent different reasons for the gunk. Let’s see what this gunk in your washing machine is.

Black gunk:

You might see black gunk in the washing machine. Generally, black gunk grows because of mold and mildew. Moreover, bacteria might be responsible for increasing black gunk. Besides, oil and grease can also create black gunk in the washing machine.

If you wash clothes and fabrics with food ingredients, washing these clothes will leave residue in the washing machine. From there, black gunk might build up.

Grey gunk:

Generally, grey gunk builds up from the residue of soap. You might not see grey gunk often. But with continuous use, the soap residue can develop gunk.

White gunk:

When the washing machine faces problems with detergent, it will build up white gunk. For example, if the detergent is undissolved in the washing machine, the residue of this detergent will develop white gunk. When you put excessive detergent in the washing machine, it can also build grey gunk. 

Brown gunk:

Brown gunk indicates a sludge build-up in the washing machine. So, if you see brown gunk in your washing machine, it might be a sludge build-up inside.

Reasons of gunk in the washing machine:

An excessive amount of detergent and fabric softener can be the reasons for gunk in the washing machine. Moreover, hard water and misusing the detergent can also develop gunk in the washing machine. Besides, too many clothes and a dirty washing machine can also be responsible.

Different reasons might be responsible for building up gunk in the washing machine. Let’s see the reasons for gunk in the washing machine.

An excessive amount of detergent:

Cleaning clothes and fabrics in the washing machine require detergent. But you must keep the amount of detergent limited. Because too much detergent can build gunk in the machine. Sometimes, you might think that an extra amount of detergent will clean more efficiently.

But this is not true. Too much detergent will leave residue in the washing machine. This residue will form gunk in the machine. Moreover, this gunk will make the clothes and fabrics stained.

Incorrect way of adding detergent:

Now that you add a sufficient amount of detergent, the problem might not be solved. Because misusing the detergent will also cause the problem. For example, you might add the clothes and then add the detergent.

Moreover, if you powder detergent in cold water, it might not dissolve the detergent well. So, the detergent residue will still be in the washing machine. This residue will create gunk in the washing machine.

Dirty washing machine:

While using the washing machine regularly, you must clean it regularly. If you don’t clean the washing machine regularly, the machine will eventually be dirty. The dirt and residue in the washing machine will also form gunk in the machine.

Too much fabric softener:

Fabric softener is another essential element for the clothes in the washing machine. But adding a large amount of fabric softener to the washing machine will leave a residue. So, from the excess amount of fabric softer, gunk can build up.

Too many fabric:

When you fill up the washing machine with too many clothes and fabrics, the washing machine will not clean the clothes properly.

So, the detergent and the fabric softener will not be used properly. As a result, residues from the detergent and fabric softener will build up gunk in the machine.

Where can you find gunk in the washing machine?

If you want to get rid of the gunk in the washing machine, you have to know about the places where gunk can develop. So, let’s see where you can find gunk in the washing machine.

Gunk in the drum:

Gunk in the drum of the washing machine is pretty common. The washing machine drum is the common place where the cleaning process runs continuously. So, the drum in the washing machine will go through all the dirt, residues from detergent and fabric softener, etc.

So, it’s pretty easy to develop gunk in the drum of the washing machine. If you see the symptoms of gunk, you can check the drum in the washing machine.

Gunk in the door seal:

Gunk in the door seal is caused by bacteria, grease, and mold in the washing machine. Generally, gunk in the door seal is not frequent. If you don’t clean the washing machine regularly, it can cause gunk in the door seal.

Gunk in the drain hose:

Gunk in the drain hose is caused by soap scum in the drain hose. Generally, the dirty water from the cleaning and the soap water goes through the drain hose of the washing machine. So, the continuous use of the washing machine can develop gunk in the drain hose.

Gunk in the filter:

Gunk in the filter is also a common issue. Generally, this problem appears when the filter is clogged. Residues, dirt, hard water, etc., can clog the washing machine’s filter.

So, if you don’t clean the washing machine and its parts regularly, the dirty or clogged filter can create gunk in the washing machine.

How to clean gunk out of washing machine?

Now that you know the reasons for gunk in the washing machine, you might want to eliminate this problem. So, for cleaning the gunk, you have to follow some processes. So, let’s see how you can clean the gunk out of the washing machine.

Clean the filter of the washing machine:

You might know that a dirty or clogged filter of the washing machine can cause gunk in the washing machine. So, to clean gunk, you have to clean the filter. To clean the filter, you must locate it first and then wash it properly.

If cleaning doesn’t solve the problem, you can try to replace the filter with a new one.

Cleaning the washing machine:

When the washing machine itself is dirty, it can build up gunk. So, to remove gunk, you have to clean the washing machine parts thoroughly. For example, you can clean the door seal of the washing machine.

Moreover, you have to clean the drum of the washing machine. Besides, a dirty drain hose might also have gunk. So, clean the dirty drain hose to clean gunk out of the washing machine.

Using baking soda:

You might know that a dirty washing machine creates gunk. So, you can clean the washing machine with stronger cleaning elements. For example, you can use baking soda to clean the washing machine thoroughly.

To do this, you have to add one cup of baking soda to the washing machine. Then you can run a long and hot cycle. Then the baking soda dissolves in the water for a couple of minutes. After that, you can pause the cycle and add four cups of vinegar to the machine.

This will make the solution stronger. Then wait half an hour to get the solution mixed. Now you can run a cycle, which will clean gunk out of the washing machine.

Using bleach to clean the gunk:

You can also use bleach to clean gunk out of the washing machine. The application process of bleach in the washing machine is similar to vinegar. You have to fill the washing machine with ¾ of water.

After that, you can add one liter of bleach to the water. Leave the solution in the washing machine for a couple of hours. You can also leave the solution in the washing machine overnight.

In the morning, do a quick wash, and the gunk will be cleaned out of the washing machine.

Tips to prevent gunk in the washing machine:

Cleaning gunk out of the washing machine is not always easy. So, it is better to prevent gunk in the washing machine. Let’s see how you can prevent gunk build-up in the washing machine.

An appropriate amount of detergent and fabric softener:

You might know that too much detergent and fabric softener cause gunk build up in the washing machine. So, you have to use the appropriate amount of detergent or fabric softener in the machine.

You have to see the user manual if you don’t know the appropriate amount of detergent.

Use detergent in the right way:

You might not know how to use detergent in the washing machine correctly. You have to put the detergent first in the place of the detergent and then put the clothes inside.

Moreover, don’t use powder detergent if the water temperature is cold. You can add liquid detergent to the cold water.

Don’t put too many fabrics:

Too many fabrics can also build up gunk in the machine. So, you have to put a limited amount of clothes and fabrics in the washing machine.

Clean the machine regularly:

You should clean the machine and its parts regularly so that the machine can’t grow gunk in it. Cleaning the machine regularly will reduce the gunk to a great extent.

Final Thoughts

Gunk in the washing machine is a common issue in a dirty washing machine. Moreover, putting too many fabrics in the machine can also develop gunk. Besides, too much detergent and fabric softener are also responsible. Misusing the detergent and using hard water can also be responsible.