Why Is Laminate Flooring So Cold? (All You Need to Know)

Laminate flooring has many excellent features. From the very beginning, laminate flooring is famous for the house or office floors. The laminate floor is also easy to install. But laminate flooring has some drawbacks also.

Sometimes, you might feel that the laminate flooring is so cold. In winter, you might have to face this problem more. Different reasons can be responsible for the laminate flooring being so cold. This article will tell you why your laminate flooring is so cold and what the solution is.

Why is laminate flooring so cold?

The primary reason for laminate flooring being cold is the unfinished basement or foundation. When the laminate flooring’s basement is unfinished, air passes into the basement and floor. Cold air makes the floor cold. If the floor has a slab or stem wall foundation, the floor also gets cold.

We know that warm air rises and cold air comes down. This scientific reason is also responsible for the laminate flooring being cold. In winter, the cold air comes down adjacent to the laminate floor and makes the floor cold.

Temperature is another reason for making the laminate floor colder than other floors. You know, laminate floors are prone to react with temperature. When the temperature is low, laminate flooring becomes colder than other floorings.

Reasons why is laminate flooring so cold

Laminate flooring is relatively colder among the other floors. Many reasons can be responsible for laminate flooring being cold. Let’s see the reasons why the laminate flooring is so cold.

Unfinished basement:

When the laminate flooring has an unfinished basement, a space is present between the ground and the first floor. This free space allows the air to pass through the first floor. That’s why an unfinished basement can make the laminate floor cold.

Scientific reason:

Basic knowledge of science is that the cold air comes down to the floor, and warm air rises to the ceiling. This cold air adjacent to the floor might make the laminate floor cold.


If the laminate floor has a slab or stem wall foundation under it, the concrete will be adjacent to the floor. We know that concrete usually stays colder. That’s why the laminate floor also stays colder.


Laminate floorings are not natural wood. They are synthetic flooring with a wood-like appearance. They have some internal materials that make the laminates sensitive to temperature. So, the laminate flooring remains cold.

How do I keep my laminate floor warm?

A cold laminate floor can be pretty irritating. Especially in the winter, laminate floors are super cold. So, you have to follow some techniques to keep your laminate floor warm. Let’s see how you can keep your laminate floor warm.

Use rugs:

Rugs are the most inexpensive and simple solution to keep the laminate floor warm. Rugs have materials that prevent heat loss and keep the cold air away.

So, if you use rugs on the laminate floor, the floor will remain warm. Rugs are also washable and easy to use.

Floor mats:

Floor mats are also an inexpensive solution to keep the laminate flooring warm. You can place small floor mats in the different places on your floor. The areas where you walk the most are the suitable areas for floor mats.

Underfloor heating system:

The underfloor heating system is the most effective way to keep your floor warm. Though this heating system is expensive, you can adjust the heat on your own. Under-floor heating will also keep the whole house warm in the winter season.

Several techniques are available for installing the system. For example, Electric, Hydronic, ultra-thin electric film or mat, etc., are different underfloor heating system techniques.

Room heater:

Room heaters are convenient for both the room and the floor. These heaters will keep the overall temperature of a room warmer. So, ultimately the laminate flooring will also be warmer with the room heater.

HVAC vent:

HVAC vent is another inexpensive way to keep the laminate floor warm. This vent in the vanity cabinet will blow warm air across the laminate floor. The warm laminate floor will remain warm for a longer time without a heater.

Is laminate flooring warm in winter?

No, usually, laminate flooring is cold in winter. Even laminate flooring becomes one of the coldest floorings in winter. Many reasons can be responsible for laminate flooring being cold. But most of the reasons are environment and weather-related.

In winter, cold air passes through the floor. We know that the cold air comes down adjacent to the flooring and remains there. If any heating system is not available, the laminate flooring becomes super cold.

Moreover, a typical feature of a laminate floor is changing with temperature. When the temperature is low, the laminate floor gets affected. When the laminate floors get cold air, it remains cold for a long time because of its internal materials.

Does laminate flooring make your house colder?

Generally, laminate flooring remains colder in cold weather. If you don’t keep the laminate floor warm somehow, it can make your house colder. The cold floor keeps the house cold. But laminate flooring is convenient to reduce cold.

Laminate floors are prone to react with the temperature. In winter, the floor becomes cold and remains cold for a long time. But in recent times, many high-quality laminate flooring manufacturing companies are producing weather-resistant flooring.

That’s why weather-resistant flooring keeps the floor warm in cold weather. So the house also remains warm. So, the main idea is that if the floor is cold, it will make the house cold.

Is laminate flooring colder than wood?

Yes, laminate flooring is colder than wood. Wood has a natural quality to keep warm in cold weather. Though laminate flooring has a wood-like appearance, it is not natural wood. So, laminate flooring doesn’t have the quality to keep warm.

In winter, laminate flooring becomes colder than wood. The cold air passes through the floor and comes closer to the flooring. This cold air makes the laminate floor cold. Once the laminate floor is cold, it remains cold for a long time.

But if there is a foaming pad under the laminate flooring, it can keep the flooring warm in the cold weather. But wood is warmer and remains warm for a long time. So, the laminate flooring is colder than the wood.

Is vinyl flooring colder than laminate?

Yes, vinyl flooring is colder than laminate flooring. Generally, laminate flooring has a thicker underlayment than vinyl flooring. That thick underlayment makes the laminate flooring warmer than vinyl.

Contrarily, the vinyl floor is the adjacent floor to the concrete. We know, concrete remains colder, and the vinyl flooring is directly installed over the concrete. So, the thin underlayment of the vinyl flooring remains cold.

Moreover, most laminate flooring has a foam pad under the flooring while installing. These pads make the laminate floors warmer in cold weather. So, vinyl flooring is colder than laminate flooring.

Is laminate flooring colder than carpet?

Yes, laminate flooring is colder than carpet. Though laminate flooring is more popular than carpet for being easy to clean, laminate flooring can be pretty colder. In winter, the laminate floor becomes super cold compared to the carpet.

Carpets have some materials that keep the carpet warm in winter. That’s why carpets are used on the floor to keep the floor warm. But laminate flooring is reactive with the temperature. So, laminate flooring is colder than the carpets.

Must read, Can Laminate Flooring Be Installed Over Carpet?

Does laminate flooring make a room cold?

Yes, laminate flooring can make a room cold. Generally, laminate floors become cold in the winter season. If you live in a country that remains cold most of the time, laminate floors without a heating system can be the wrong choice.

Laminate flooring has a natural feature to change with temperature. In cold weather, the floor becomes cold and remains cold for a long time. But if you install the flooring with a heating pad or under-floor heating system, laminate flooring can be comfortable.

If the floor is cold and doesn’t provide insulation, the whole room can be cold. So, laminate flooring can make your room cold.

Is laminate flooring warm in winter?

Generally, laminate flooring is cold in winter. But most times, people use a heating pad under the laminate flooring while installing. These pads work best with the laminate flooring and make the laminate flooring warm in cold weather.

The countries which change the weather are best suited for installing laminate flooring. Because the heating pad under the floor makes the floor warmer without any underlayment.

So, laminate flooring is cold in winter, but it can be warm in cold weather with a heating system.

Laminate floorings are so convenient that they can be the best option for your home. They are easy to clean and easy to keep warm. But sometimes, the laminate flooring can be pretty cold.

Especially in winter, the laminate flooring becomes colder than other floorings. Various heating methods are available that you can follow to keep your laminate floor warm. You can also get the laminate flooring heating ideas from this article.

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