Why Do I Have Hot Water in My Kitchen but Not My Bathroom?

Hot water can provide you with great comfort in cold conditions. But due to technical problems, some part of the house can face difficulties receiving hot water.

Today, we are going to discuss and find out why one might have hot water in their kitchen but not in their bathroom.

Why do I have hot water in my kitchen but not my bathroom?

Faulty mixing valve, faulty control valve, clogged hot water pipes, and water leak are some of the reasons why one might not get hot water in the bathroom even after getting hot water in the kitchen. However, this problem can be fixed by repairing or replacing the problematic parts.

There can be many reasons why you are not getting hot water in your bathroom. Let’s discuss in detail about some of them.

Faulty mixing valve:

The responsibility of a mixing valve is to create balance mixture of hot water and cold water. The mixing valve of your bathroom can become faulty due to several reasons.

When it goes bad, you end up receiving cold water instead of hot water in the bathroom. This is one of the major reasons why people end up receiving hot water in their kitchen but not in their bathroom.

Faulty hot limit stop:

People often install a hot water controlling device in their bathroom known as the hot limit stop. If the hot limit stop device of your bathroom becomes broken, then you can end getting no hot water at all.

Location of the water heater:

Sometimes the location of the water heater can be the cause behind not receiving hot water in the bathroom. If there is too much distance between the water heater and the bathroom, the hot water may turn into cold at the point of release.

Clogged water pipes:

The pipes carrying the hot water to your bathroom from the water heater are very crucial.

However, these hot water pipes can end up getting clogged due to rust and corrosion. Clogged water pipes will interrupt the normal flow of hot water to your bathroom.

Water leak:

The water pressure of your bathroom can become lower due to a leak in the pipes. If the hot water pipes start leaking water, you will end up getting cold water in the bathroom instead of hot water.

If you are receiving hot water in the kitchen but not in the bathroom, then a water leak might be responsible for it.

How do I know if my bathroom hot water pipes are clogged?

The hot water pipes do not become clogged in a day. They take days and weeks to finally become clogged up. However, the hot water pipes will show some signs upon clogging up.

One of the major signs of the clogged hot water pipes is lower water pressure. You will get low water pressure in your bathroom and you will also receive reduced water flow in the bathroom.

Another major sign of clogged hot water pipes in the bathroom is that you will hear strange noise coming from the hot water pipes which is almost similar to a gurgling sound.

You will also start to smell foul odors coming from the bathroom’s hot water pipes when they become clogged.

How do I turn on the hot water under my bathroom sink?

You will need to find out the hot water valve hiding under your bathroom sink to turn on the hot water.

The hot water can be found beside the hot water supply pipe. You will have to turn the hot water valve anti clockwise to start the hot water supply of the sink.

If you do not receive hot water after turning on the hot water valve, then there might be something wrong with the hot water pipes.

Clogged hot water pipes will not be able to supply hot water in the bathroom sink. There can be something wrong with the mixing valve of the bathroom sink too.

You should get your bathroom sink and its parts checked by a professional to find out the exact problem and repair it immediately in order to receive hot water in the bathroom sink again.

How do you fix a no hot water issue in the bathroom?

Fixing the issue of not getting hot water in the bathroom might seem like a daunting task if you do not have any prior experience regarding the matter. However, there are steps and methods you can follow to solve the problem. Let’s discuss in detail about them.

Open the valves:

The valves that are used to control the flow of hot water to your bathroom sometimes remain closed due to lack of attention. You will have to follow the hot water supply pipes of your bathroom to find those valves.

If the valves are in a closed position, you will to turn them onto an open position to activate the flow of hot water into your bathroom.

Fix the mixing valve:

The purpose of mixing valve is to regulate the temperature of the hot water coming from the heater by mixing cold water to it. If the mixing valve becomes broken or faulty, you will stop getting hot water in the bathroom altogether.

You will have to fix the mixing valve or replace it in order to receive hot water in the bathroom once again.

Replace the hot water pipes:

The hot water pipes of your bathroom can become clogged due to debris and corrosion build up.

Clogged hot water pipes hampers the flow of hot water into your bathroom and you can end up receiving no hot water at all when the hot water pipes become completely clogged.

You will have to replace the hot water pipes with new ones in order to get hot water in the bathroom.

Fix the faucet:

Sometimes the faucet of your bathroom can become bad or faulty due to several reasons.

One of the major reasons of a faulty faucet is a broken cartridge. You will end up receiving no hot water in the bathroom at all when the faucet becomes faulty.

You will be required to fix the faucet or replace it with a new to get solve the problem of no hot water in the bathroom.

Fix the water leak:

You can end up getting no hot water in the bathroom due to leak in the hot water plumbing system.

However, finding the leaks can be a difficult task and it is better to contact a plumber for this particular job of fixing the water leak to receive hot water in the bathroom.

Use an auxiliary water heater:

The massive distance between the water heater and your bathroom can often be the reason why you are getting cold water instead of hot water in the bathroom.

You can solve this problem by using an auxiliary water heater close to your bathroom. An auxiliary water heater will solve the problem of no hot water heater in the bathroom by reheating it.

Why is only half my house getting hot water?

If you have a massive house with only one water heater, then half of your house can end up getting no hot water at all.

The more time it takes for the water heater to carry hot water to the house, the more cold the water becomes. You can solve this problem by using multiple water heaters for different parts of the house.

Some hot water pipes of your house can also become clogged which will stop the flow of hot water to many parts of the house. You can replace the clogged hot water pipes with new ones to solve the problem.

How do you unclog a hot water pipe?

You can follow the steps and methods below to unclog a hot water pipe.

Turn the water heater off:

First of all, you will need to turn off your water heater before you start unclogging a hot water pipe. You can turn the water heater off by adjusting the valve and turning the power off.

Work on the hot water faucet:

You will need to find the hot water faucet that is attached to the clogged hot water pipe you intend to unclog. You will have to attach an aerator with the help of a dime onto the selected hot water faucet.

Start the water flow:

After that, you will have to turn on the hot water faucet to start the water flow. The duration of the water flow has to last for twenty minutes in order to unclog the hot water pipe completely.

Final Thoughts

If the parts responsible for supplying hot water to the bathroom become faulty, one can end up receiving no hot water. Most of times clogged hot water pipes are the reason behind this interruption in hot water supply to the bathroom and it can be easily fixed by unclogging the hot water pipes.

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