Washer Standpipe Height: How High Should Standpipes Be?

Washing machines are important equipment in our daily life. The functions of a washing machine make cleaning clothes easier. However, there are some other parts attached to a washing machine that can sometimes confuse people. 

Today, we are going to discuss the washer standpipe height and find out how high standpipes should be. 

Washer standpipe height

The accurate height of a washing machine standpipe is important. The maximum height of a washing machine standpipe is thirty inches according to most plumbing and building codes. On the other hand, the minimum height of a washing machine standpipe is one and a half feet.

Let’s discuss in detail about the minimum and maximum height of a standpipe. 

Minimum height of a standpipe:

The washing machine standpipe is a crucial feature that helps the washing machine to get rid of drainage water. The primary purpose of the standpipe is to carry the waste water from the washing machine into the drainage line of the house. 

The position of a washing machine standpipe is vertical. That is why the height of a standpipe is very important. 

First of all, the minimum height of a washing machine standpipe is one and a half feet according to several national and international building codes. 

The eight inch minimum height of a washing machine standpipe gives it adequate space to handle the waste water coming from the washing machine. 

If the height was any less than eighteen inches, then the washing machine standpipe would have faced difficulty to handle the incoming flow of water. The overflow of wastewater would hamper the purpose of using a standpipe in the first place. 

You would not want to end up changing your standpipe just because you decided to install a short one. 

So you will have to install a laundry standpipe which is at least eighteen inches tall. The eighteen inch height gives you security and assurance about the disposal of wastewater and elements. 

However, if you are still not sure about the minimum height of a washing machine standpipe, then you can contact your local building authority for more information. 

Maximum height of a standpipe:

Just like the minimum height of a standpipe, the maximum height of a standpipe is also important. According to several national and international building codes, the maximum height of a standpipe is two and a half feet. 

If the height of a washing machine standpipe exceeds the thirty inch limit, then the waste water might end up getting trapped in the standpipe. 

The extra height will make it difficult for the waste water to get out of the stand pipe and into the sewer line through the p trap. A standpipe with a height of more than thirty inches is not appropriate for the disposal of waste water. 

You would not want to end up with a dysfunctional standpipe that does not cooperate with the functions of your washing machine, p trap and sewer line. 

The maximum height of thirty inches is enough for the standpipe and can handle the waste water load effectively. If the laundry standpipe is taller than thirty inches, then you will end up with an insufficient standpipe that can not maintain the flow of wastewater. 

Additionally, you can contact your local building authority about the maximum height of a standpipe before you start installing one. It would not be wise to break any building codes by not maintaining the maximum height of a standpipe. 

How high should standpipes be for top load and front load washers?

Let’s see the appropriate height of standpipe in a top load washing machine and a front load washing machine. 

Top-load washer standpipe height:

Top load washing machine requires a standpipe to dispose of the waste water and components into the drainage line. But the height of the standpipe needs to be accurate in order to handle the flow of waste water effectively. 

The maximum height of a top load washing machine is thirty inches and the minimum height is eighteen inches. The height of the standpipe may vary inside this range according to the height of the top load machine.

Front-load washer standpipe height:

Front load washing machine also needs a standpipe for drainage purposes. Just like a top load washing machine, the height of a front load washing machine standpipe remains in the range of one and a half feet to two and a half feet. 

There might be structural differences between a top load and a front load washing machine. But the height range of the standpipe remains the same for both the washing machines. 

Why is it important to have a proper height of washer standpipe?

The height of a standpipe in a washing machine is a crucial factor. Let’s discuss in detail about why it is important to have a washing machine standpipe with a proper height.

Due to functional purpose:

First of all, the height of a washing machine standpipe needs to be accurate due to functional purpose. The basic job of a standpipe is to carry the waste water from the washing machine into the p trap. 

The p trap then disposes the waste water into the sewer line. 

If the height of a washing machine standpipe is not accurate, then the disposal process of wastewater will get interrupted and would not be effective. A standpipe with an inaccurate height will not come in handy during the waste disposal process and will become a burden. 

Due to building and plumbing codes:

There are several national and international building and plumbing codes that have repeatedly released the range of height for a washing machine standpipe. 

These codes have accurate instructors for the installation of a standpipe and avoiding these instructions can get you into legal trouble for violating building and plumbing codes.

Due to clogging issue:

If you fail to install a standpipe with a proper height, then there might be clogging issues during the waste disposal process. If your waste water ends up clogging the standpipe instead of going into the sewer line, then the entire disposal process will become a mess. 

The standpipe does an excellent job of connecting the p trap to the drain hose of a washing machine. If the standpipe gets clogged, then the waste water will not reach the p trap from the drain hose. 

The clogging issue can be even more fatal if there are holes on the standpipe apart from it being short or tall. 

Plumbing code for washer standpipe:

The first plumbing code that you will have to follow while installing the standpipe is selecting a pipe made with PVC material. The plumbing pipe made with ABS material will also do the job. 

Another important thing to remember here is that the diameter of the standpipe can not be more than two inches. 

As for the height of the standpipe, the minimum height of the washing machine standpipe can be eighteen inches according to plumbing codes. Additionally, plumbing codes approve thirty inches as the maximum height of a standpipe.

The p trap that is going to get connected to the standpipe can be installed at a height of six to eighteen inches from the ground.  The diameter of the P trap pipe is also two inches just like the standpipe. 

Another important thing to remember here is that the pipe that connects the p trap and the standpipe to the sewer line must have a diameter of four inches. These are the basic plumbing codes you need to follow while installing the standpipe to a washing machine. 

Does a standpipe have to be straight?

A washing machine standpipe basically collects the waste water from the washing machine and dumps it into the sewer line of the house. The standpipe needs to be straight to connect the curved drain hose of the washing machine to the curved P trap

If there is no straight standpipe between the drain hose and the p trap, then the waste water might get stuck in the pipes due to uneven flow. 

A standpipe needs to be vertically straight to carry the waste water and elements without any clogging issue. A straight standpipe is approved by several plumbing and building codes.

Why does a washing machine drain pipe need to be elevated?

The drain pipe of a washing machine is connected to the standpipe. The drain pipe must be elevated in order for the waste water to reach the standpipe without any clogging and overflow issue

If the drain is not elevated to a height that is not more than the height of a washing machine, then the natural flow of waste water will get interrupted.

Final Thoughts

A washing machine standpipe with an appropriate height can stop the clogging and overflowing issues during the waste disposal process. One can install a standpipe that is two and a half feet tall. But the height of a standpipe can not be below eighteen inches.

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