Squat Rack Height: How High Should a Squat Rack Be?
In this article, we will discuss the factors that you should consider while building or purchasing a squat rack. There are many factors that will require your thorough consideration in order to use the product to its full potential.
Ensuring the right squat rack height is essential so that you can make the most use of the equipment. So let’s read ahead to learn how high should a squat rack be.
Squat rack height
The average size of squat racks is 79 inches. But there are several types of squat racks. The shorter squat racks come in a standard height of 72 inches. While the full-size squat racks come in a size of 90 inches and higher. Adding a multi-grip pull-up bar will allow higher space for the rack.
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A squat rack is among the largest pieces of equipment in most gyms, especially home gyms. So in order to ensure that you have the equipment at its appropriate height, we have designed this article to provide you with all the necessary information that you might need. This is especially important if you are working in a small space.
Note that there are two upright posts in a squat rack. Each of these posts is attached to the foot. This helps keep the equipment stable.
There are several sizes of squat racks. If you are opting for a shorter squat rack, then the standard height of a squat rack will be 72 inches. This is an ideal size, designed to cater to a large group of audience. However, if you have a particular group of people in mind, then you can definitely adjust the product to meet their particular needs.
While 72 inches height is the standard size for a squat rack, you may make it higher if you are building the product for a taller-than-average group of people.
And the feet of the squat racks can be as long as 48 inches. They are also adjustable. The feet of the squat racks may extend to about 24 inches on each side along with the upright position. Squat stands are available in a size as low as 41 inches.
A rule of thumb to determine the height of the squat rack is that it should be lower than the shoulder height of the users.
On the other hand, the height of a full-size squat rack is 90 inches and higher. You may also add a multi-grip pull-up bar to the rack and it will offer you a height of 95 inches and higher.
Are squat rack height universal?
No, squat rack heights are not universal. There are different standard sizes of these products in different regions, depending on the average height of the people in that particular region. In addition, the product comes in a range of options, targeting a range of audiences.
On one hand, there are short squat racks. These racks come in a height of 72 inches or lower. These pieces of equipment have a depth of about 48 inches. On the other hand, there are medium-sized squat racks.
And the full-sized squat racks will come in a much higher height. These products are designed for men, especially the ones who have got a hang of this product and have a tall build. The standard heigh of a full-sized squat rack is 90 inches.
These racks can be built even taller, either by adding higher posts or adding multi-grip pull-up bars.
Where should the rack be when squatting?
There are many placement factors that you should keep in mind in order to ensure that you have a safe squatting experience. Let’s take a look at where should the rack be when squatting.
The appropriate placement of the rack will depend on the type of squat that you are planning to do. There are two different positions for squatting: high bar and low bar.
If you are planning to do high bar squatting, then the bar should be placed such that it touches the top of your shoulder. And if you are planning to do low bar squats, then the bar should be placed behind your shoulder.
How do you determine the height of the safety rack for squats?
Let’s take a look at the factors that will help you determine the height of a safety rack for squats. Read ahead to learn more about it:
Height of the ceiling:
The height of the ceiling where you are going to place the squat rack has an important factor to play in determining the height of the safety rack for squats. This is what you will need to consider when you are determining the height of the equipment. That is, whether you should get one that is short-sized, mid-sized, or full-sized.
Note that the average height of a short power rack is 72 inches. This will fit ideally in a home that has a lower ceiling. If you are trying to place a power rack in a room that has 7 feet of ceiling or less, then this will be a good choice for you.
Note that the average height of a squat rack is 49 inches. This is ideal for a room that has an average ceiling height.
On the other hand, if you are trying to build a gym in a room that has a ceiling height of 9 feet or higher, then you can opt for a squat rack that is full-sized. Full-sized squat racks have a height of about 90 inches and more. They can be further extended up to 95 inches and higher.
Height of the users:
This is also a very important factor in determining the height of a safety rack for squats. While there is a standard size for these pieces of equipment. They often call for customization depending on the height of the users.
Height particular user groups, as well as the regions that they belong to, have an important role to play here.
For example, if you are getting a squat rack that will be used mostly by men above six feet of height, then you should get a squat rack that is full-sized. On the other hand, if you are getting one particular for females, then you may opt for a mid-sized squat rack.
How to adjust squat rack height?
Let’s learn how you can adjust squat rack height:
Empty the rack:
You should begin the process with an empty rack. Then take the barbell for a trial run on the squat rack that you are trying to adjust. This will help you identify the height of the bar that would be appropriate for you.
Set up the bar:
Now you will have to set up the bar. Always make sure that the bar is placed below the shoulder. This is the right height for a barbell.
In order to decide where you should place the barbell, you will need to take it on a trial run. Then place it right under your shoulder in order to identify the right placement for it.
This placement will also help you ensure that you have a smooth removal process once you are done using the bar. If you can set the right height for the squat rack and its bar placement, then you will notice how easy the entire process becomes.
Check the hooks:
You should check and double-check the hook. This plays a crucial role when it comes to adjusting the squat rack height. If you do not check the hooks properly, you may end up hurting yourself.
Check the placement of the hook. Then place the barbells in them and check again. Make sure that the hooks do not move when you put the bars in place. If they do, there is a risk of injury for the users.
You do not want to work with loose hooks. If you notice that there are loose hooks in the squat rack, make sure to get it fixed by an expert.
Safety bars placement:
Now you will have to pay attention to the safety bars. This is a very important part of the squat racks. This will be especially helpful when you begin lifting heavier weights.
The standard height for the safety bars is right under your knees. So this height may differ from person to person.
Final Thoughts
The right size of the squat rack depends on a few factors, including the height of the room’s ceiling, users’ height, and so on. The standard height of a short squat rack is 72 inches. And the standard size of a full-sized squat rack is 90 inches. These heights can also be adjusted by a few inches.
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