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Should Septic Aerator Run All the Time? (Quick Answers)

The septic aerator is one of the most essential parts of a septic system. Generally, a septic aerator helps in septic aeration in many ways.

But the main function is to allow additional oxygen. A septic aerator is additionally placed in the tank and is run separately. So, it will use electricity and cost you a little more.

That’s why you might be confused about whether a septic aerator should run all the time. If you want to place a septic aerator in your septic tank system, you need to know details about it. Otherwise, the septic aerator might not be effective.

Should septic aerator run all the time?

You should run a septic aerator all the time. Generally, the septic aerator is supposed to run 24/7 to work efficiently. Because the septic tank needs continuous oxygen that the septic aerator provides. Thus the aerobic bacteria will survive. Moreover, the septic aerator will use less electricity.

However, since the septic aerator uses electricity, you have to know the working hours of the aerator. Generally, the septic aerator run time is 24 hours a day. That means it needs to be run all the time.

The main function of the septic aerator is to supply excess oxygen. This oxygen is necessary for the survival of natural bacteria. Generally, the septic aerator pushes excess oxygen into the septic system.

So, when the aerator pushes air and oxygen into the tank, the natural bacteria will break up waste more efficiently. Generally, natural bacteria can also work without the help of an aerator. But an aerator makes the process fast.

That’s why the aerator should run always. This process will also increase the overall performance of a septic tank.

You will also have to pump the tank less than before. The solids inside the tank will take more time to break up and the total area of the tank will be decreased.

On the other hand, if you keep the aerator turned on always, it will break down the solid waste and keep the total area large. A septic aerator should run 24 hours a day.

Why should septic aerators run all the time?

The septic aerator should run all the time to make the aeration process continuous. Generally, a septic aerator supplies air and oxygen in the septic tank and makes the survival of natural bacteria possible.

This process is known as making the aerobic environment inside the tank.

If the septic aerator doesn’t run all the time, the aerobic system will be interrupted. For example, if you don’t keep the aerator turned on, the solid diffusing process of the waste inside the tank will be slower.

That means the good bacteria inside the tank will take more time to dispose of waste. As a result, the tank will have build-ups and the internal size of the tank will be decreased. So, you have to pump the tank more and more.

So, if you run the aerator all the time, it will keep helping the bacteria to dispose of waste continuously. So, the size will remain actual. Thus a septic aerator must run all the time.

How much does it cost to run the septic aerator pump all the time?

It doesn’t cost too much to run the septic aerator pump all the time. You might know that it will not be effective if you don’t run the septic aerator pump 24/7. So, you must turn it on for the whole day.

Generally, a septic aerator will not cost more than $10 a month. This cost is pretty affordable. Because a septic aerator doesn’t consume too much electricity. You have to remember that if you don’t keep a septic aerator turned on all the time, you will cost more.

Because you have to pump the tank more than average because of build-ups inside the tank. Ultimately, your monthly cost for electricity will increase. But if a septic aerator runs all the time, it will reduce the pumping cost.

How to tell if the septic aerator is working?

Generally, it is pretty difficult to know from outside whether the septic aerator is working or not. But you can know this by noticing some other factors. So, let’s see how you can tell if the septic aerator is working.

Clear discharge:

Generally, if the septic aerator is working well, it will supply clear discharge. It will not clear out the waste so quickly that there will be no build-up. That’s why it will discharge clean effluent.

Odorless discharge:

If the septic aerator is not working well, the odor will be one of the most noticeable characteristics.

Because you will notice a bad odor from the septic system if the septic aerator is bad. Otherwise, odorless discharge is a sign that the septic system is working.

Continuous and effective aeration system:

When the septic aerator will working all the time, there will be no problem with the aeration system.

For example, you will notice less amount of power consumption from the septic system. Moreover, air pressure in the tank will be adequate and the diffuser will also be unclogged and clear.

What happens when the septic aerator stops working?

Working all the time and effectively is pretty important for the septic aerator. But if there is a problem with the septic aerator, you will notice some disturbance in different parts of the septic system. So, let’s see what happens when the septic aerator stops working.

Anaerobic functioning:

A septic aerator helps to maintain aerobic functioning in the septic tank. So, when the septic aerator stops working, the aerobic functioning also breaks.

An anaerobic functioning will not help the natural bacteria to work fast. So, it will take more time to diffuse solid waste in the tank.

Discharge having odor and unclear:

When the septic aerator is not working. It will take much time to break up the waste. As a result, the discharge leaving from the tank will be unclear like raw sewage. Moreover, the discharge will have a bad odor.

This unclear discharge will either go to the environment or to the secondary treatment system.

Problems in the secondary treatment system:

If the septic aerator is not working, it will affect the secondary treatment system. Because when the unclean discharge goes to the secondary treatment system, it will affect the system.

Even a bad septic aerator can make a catastrophic failure of the secondary treatment system.

Alarm sounding:

When the septic aerator is not working, it will make the septic system alarm sound. Sometimes, the alarm may ring for other reasons. But the problem with the septic aerator is the most common reason for sounding the alarm.

How long does it take a septic aerator to work?

It takes 24 hours for a septic aerator to work. Generally, it might create a bad odor coming from the septic system when the aerator is not working. But when you apply the septic aerator in the system, it will take 24 hours to remove the bad odor fully.

The septic aerator will help the natural bacteria to work fast. Moreover, the septic aerator has to work all the time. So, when the septic aerator will work continuously, it will help reduce the bad odor. But it will take at least one day to make the septic system in a natural process.

How long does an aerator pump last?

Generally, an aerator pump lasts for three to five years. Sometimes, the pump might last a little bit longer time, but you might have to replace the aerator pump after five years.

Generally, how long an aerator pump will last depends on the size of the tank, the frequency of working of the aerator, elements the pump is surrounded with, etc. So, how long the aerator pump will last depends on different parameters.

Final Thoughts

The septic aerator should run always. You might think of the expense of running an aerator. But it will not cost more than $10. Moreover, it will allow the natural bacteria to maintain an aerobic environment in the septic aeration system. Otherwise, the septic system will not work well.