Mudroom Bench Height: How High Should a Mudroom Bench Be?
A mudroom is a specific space for removing boots and shoes. So, people have a mudroom bench so that they can sit on the bench while removing their boots.
Generally, a mudroom bench is seen in the secondary entryway. If you are planning to have a mudroom bench in your entryway, you should know the dimensions well.
So, you might be confused about how long a mudroom bench should be. Knowing the proper dimensions is essential if you want your mudroom to look nice. Moreover, knowing the height is essential for your comfort and bench storage capacity.
How high should a mudroom bench be?
A mudroom bench should be 18 to 20 inches high. Generally, the standard mudroom bench height is 18 inches. If you want greater storage space, you can have a 20-inch high mudroom bench. A larger-sized mudroom bench provides comfort and ease of movement while removing boots.
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However, if you have an entryway or a mudroom space for removing shoes and boots, you should also have a mudroom bench. A mudroom bench is essential for your comfort. Moreover, mudroom benches provide storage space.
A mudroom bench should be at a height so that you can sit there comfortably. Because while removing shoes or boots, you can’t do it properly while standing. You must need something to hold on to or you should sit down.
That’s why the mudroom bench is such a common and essential piece of furniture. Generally, a mudroom bench is 18 inches high. But you can modify the height according to your comfort. Moreover, how big the storage space should also decide the mudroom bench height.
Double-duty mudroom bench:
A double-duty mudroom bench is more convenient. Because this type of mudroom bench can fulfill two purposes. A double-duty mudroom bench can be both a bench and storage space. Generally, the lower portion of the mudroom bench is used for storage or drawers.
The dimensions of a double-duty mudroom bench are pretty similar to normal benches. But sometimes, the dimensions are a little bit larger than the normal ones. For example, the height of a normal mudroom bench is 18 inches.
But people add one or two inches more to use the bench as a double-duty mudroom bench. This doesn’t mean that you have to use a large mudroom bench. Because a too large bench can be uncomfortable to sit on.
First, you have to think about the comfort of a mudroom bench. Then you can think about the double-duty or storage capacity of the bench.
What is the standard mudroom bench height?
The standard mudroom bench height is 18 inches. Generally, the height can change according to your preference. But the change can be up to 19 to 20 inches. But if you can keep the height from 18 to 20 inches, it will be standard.
When people consider storage in the mudroom bench, they often keep the height too high.But this will make the mudroom bench too high to sit on. Sitting on this mudroom bench while removing boots will make it uncomfortable.
On the other hand, some people keep the mudroom bench height too short. This will also make the bench uncomfortable.
The mudroom bench also serves as a storage space. So, if you want to make the mudroom bench double-duty with storage, you can keep the height one or two inches higher than the standard.
But you have to keep in mind that storage is the secondary purpose. The first purpose of a mudroom bench is to provide comfort.
What is the mudroom locker bench height?
The mudroom bench sometimes has lockers. This type of mudroom bench is called a double-duty or locker mudroom bench. Generally, the mudroom locker bench height can be 19 or 20 inches.
Some people keep the height a little bit larger than the standard one. Because they want the bench to serve as a locker bench as well. This mudroom locker bench has storage spaces. You can keep other essentials like shoes and boots on this bench.
If you want to use the mudroom bench as a locker bench, you can increase the height a little bit. But you have to make sure that the comfort of the mudroom bench is not hampered. The primary purpose of the mudroom bench is to provide comfort while removing boots.
So, first, you have to make the bench comfortable while sitting. Otherwise, you should not increase the height of the mudroom locker bench too much.
Three things that determine the mudroom bench height:
Now that you know the mudroom bench height can be standard, you might want to know the parameters to set the height. So, let’s see some things that determine the mudroom bench height.
The first thing that can determine the mudroom bench height is comfort. Generally, we use a mudroom bench so that we can sit while removing or wearing shoes or boots. So, if you have to sit uncomfortably, the primary purpose can’t be fulfilled.
So, if you keep the height of the mudroom bench too high or too low, it will be uncomfortable. That’s why comfort is essential.
If you want to save space and make the mudroom bench double-duty, you have to think about the height. Because a double-duty mudroom bench is a little bit higher than the normal ones. This type of mudroom bench has storage capacity, which makes it a little bit larger.
Space in the mudroom:
You have to consider the space in the mudroom too. If you have a small mudroom, you can’t fit a large mudroom bench in it. Because a large mudroom bench will be messy and look bad in a small mudroom.
On the other hand, if the mudroom is very large and you keep a small mudroom bench, it will look different. So, you have to determine the dimensions of the mudroom bench so that it doesn’t look bad in the mudroom.
What should be the mudroom bench seat dimensions?
The standard mudroom bench should also have a standard seat. So, knowing the seat dimensions is also essential. Generally, the mudroom bench seat is 35 to 48 inches wide. Moreover, the seat has a 14-to-17-inch depth.
The size of the seat will be determined by the bench or frame of the bench. The whole mudroom bench will be 19 to 20 inches tall. If you add a cushion or extra seat on the mudroom bench, make sure that the cushion has 2 to 3 inches of height.
Otherwise, a large cushion will increase the total height. Besides, a too narrow cushion will make the seat uncomfortable. But whether a cushion is necessary or not depends on the choice of users.
How to determine proper mudroom bench height?
Now that you know the mudroom bench should be a standard height, you might want to know the height determining process. So, let’s see how you can determine the proper mudroom bench height.
Consider the available space in the mudroom:
First, you have to consider the mudroom space available for the bench. Because you have to keep the height of the bench so that it can adjust with the mudroom. Assume a height so that the width of the bench is compatible.
Consider the bench’s functions:
Then you have to think about the purpose of the bench. If the bench is only for sitting while removing or wearing shoes, you can keep the height at 18 inches. If the bench has storage capacity too, you can keep the height at 20 inches.
Measure the height:
Finally, you have to determine the height of the mudroom bench. For example, the standard height is 18 to 20 inches.
You can fix this height for the mudroom bench. Otherwise, you can minimize or add one or two inches to determine the height of the bench according to your preference.
Final Thoughts
Mudroom bench height should be standard. Because random bench height will not provide comfort while removing or wearing boots. So, the standard height can be 18 to 20 inches. But if you want to use the bench as storage space also, you can add one to two inches more.
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