Mold in Shower Head: How to Get Rid of Them? (Explained)
Molds are hardy organisms that grow anywhere they can get moisture, dirt and food. They can also build up on household things if they find an optimum environment. But building up mold in the house won’t be favorable as it can cause health risks.
What causes mold in the shower head?
Mold will spread anywhere they find a convenient and favorable environment for them. Continuous moisture, less air, dirt and grease is their need. Shower cap remains in the damp surface for a long, holding continuous moisture in it and it gets neglected for regular cleaning which attracts mold.
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Mold mostly grows in a colony in a damp environment and has a clear sign of the place where they grow. They can certainly have black, gray, greenish or pink round marks in that particular thing where they grow.
The environment which remains humid continuously is optimistic for their growth. Mold finds the environment in shower cap quite favorable because the shower cap holds moisture for a long time and most of the time, it remains uncleaned which is initially needed for their growth.
Holding moisture continuously:
Shower caps which are worn while showering, have a damp surface and continuous moisture in it for most of the time. Mold requires moisture to grow and spread their colony, so the shower cap attracts mold in it.
Unclean shower cap:
Most of the time shower cap is neglected for cleaning it regularly. It is left without cleaning on a damp surface with dirt and debris which is also convenient for mold.
Optimum temperature:
Molds require humid temperature where cold air circulates all the time. As shower cap holds moisture continuously, it allows the optimum temperature for mold.
What does mold in shower head look like?
Since a shower cap retains water continuously, mold can grow inside the cap with the help of the moisture. In fact, moisture makes the shower cap convenient and attracts mold. Besides, uncleanliness, dirt and grease are their favorite.
As shower cap is not cleaned regularly it poses a high risk of getting invaded by mold. If mold starts to build up, it will have a clear sign. You can identify the mold by the spot in it.
Mold infected areas are mostly seen as a heavily concentrated area as they build up in a colony. It will have a clear layer of black, gray, greenish or brownish coating over the area.
The color may differ depending on the species of mold and for how long it has been there. It will certainly display a discoloration on the infected area of the shower cap inside and out.
How to get rid of mold in the shower head?
Building up in the shower head, mold poses various health risks, so it’s essential to get rid of them. Any disinfectant spray will work pretty well. Bleach, hydrogen peroxide can be an active solution to reduce the growth. Baking soda and vinegar has an anti-mold property which terminates mold.
The humidity in shower areas makes it very easy for mold to grow there, and since shower heads are constantly in contact with water, they are also very likely to become dirty and clogged with mold.
As a result, cleaning them with strong chemical solutions like bleach, baking soda, and chlorhexidine mixed with hot water is very effective at getting rid of the mold.
The shower head needs to be cleaned weekly to get rid of this black mold. After briefly immersing the shower head in one of the aforementioned solutions, it must then be dried by being blown with dry air.
If there are numerous molds in the shower head, you must first scrape away the mold with a scraping brush so that it can be easily removed.
You can also get rid of mold by applying a disinfectant, such as phenol, tincture iodine or vinegar solution, to the moldy areas and letting it sit for a few hours. Here are some guidelines for eliminating mold:
Emergence during bleaching:
Bleaching produces chlorine molecules, an active chemical that reacts with the molds and has potent mold-preventive properties. Molds can be removed using a solution that has been premixed with bleach and water.
First, soak the shower head in a bleach solution for a few hours. It will work better if the water is hot, because mold typically can’t survive temperatures above 40 degrees.
Additionally, the bleaching agent reacts with the mold’s cell walls, so using these solutions frequently will help to further get rid of mold.
Using baking soda:
This will work as a temporary fix to get rid of mold. Baking soda has an anti-mold property, so mixing it with two thirds of water or hot water and pouring it over the shower head will help to get rid of mold.
You can also clean the inside and outside of the shower head frequently to get rid of mold buildup with a baking soda mixture.
Cleaning with vinegar:
Because vinegar is acidic, when it is diluted with water, hydroxide ions become free and active. These ions invade the black mold on the shower head by creating pores in the mold’s cell walls and aid in the mold removal process. Furthermore, it lowers the pH because molds cannot survive at pH levels below four. By doing this, it also demonstrates its anti-mold activity and aids in the further eradication of molds.
Adding to the hydrogen peroxide solution:
The proteins of the molds that have already developed in the shower head can be precipitated using hydrogen peroxide in a diluted solution at a concentration of thirty to forty percent.
By creating an aerobic environment, hydrogen peroxide causes some damaging oxygen molecules to be produced, which terminates the anaerobic molds.
It is a potent chemical that is successful in eliminating around 80% to 90% of surface molds. Within a few hours, the mold is terminated.
Is mold in the shower head dangerous?
Molds are the microorganisms that grow into the moisture and dirty places. As shower heads offer them continuous moisture and dirt, they can easily build up on it. If they once start to build up, they can rapidly grow and spread as a colony.
Moldy shower heads should not be used as it can be harmful for health. It’s mostly harmful for the children and elderly people who have a weaker immune system. Mold can be various species and contains toxins which eventually causes health risks.
Black mold:
Black mold is the most harmful one than others. Though it’s not life threatening, it can make you face a lot.
It generates mycotoxins which can cause diarrhea, vomiting if consumed or ingested any way. Also, its spores can infect the liver and cause respiratory dissimulation.
Pink mold:
Pink mold is not as harmful as the black mold. But if it’s built in the shower head and gets contact with your skin, it can cause skin rashes and red spots. Moreover, it can cause coughing, watery eyes, nausea if the spores are inhaled.
How to prevent mold in the shower head?
Molds are likely to return if specific long-term preventative measures are not implemented. The likelihood of mold growth will increase since shower areas are constantly moist or have a high relative humidity.
The bathroom window should always be left open to let enough airflow or sunlight in to prevent the growth of mold. Along with fixing any shower head or shower wall leaks, it’s crucial to avoid the growth of mold.
Cleaning the shower areas on a regular basis using mold-terminating chemicals like phenols or dettol lowers the chance of new mold growth by 80% and keeps the shower area free of mold.
Try to keep the shower head dry after using it, and check on it in two or three days to see if there is any discoloration or odor coming from it. The sooner mold is discovered, the simpler it will be to get rid of it.
Maintaining ventilation:
Fresh air circulation around the shower will reduce the likelihood of mold growth by more than 30%.
Molds are known to thrive in dark, humid environments and are attracted to moisture, so keeping the air moving all the time will help prevent their growth. Therefore, this should be adequately followed as a preventive measure.
Spraying with disinfection solutions:
To stop the growth of mold, disinfectant spray should be sprayed primarily around the shower head in the shower area.
Shower head mold can be prevented by combining bleach or vinegar solutions with water, transferring it to a spray bottle, and applying frequently.
Final thoughts
Shower cap offers mold continuous moisture and remains dirty most of the time. As it fulfills the basic need for mold, they build up in it. But mold poses a health risk and so, getting rid of them is a must. Regular cleaning with disinfection solutions, ventilation can prevent them strictly.
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