Is Bathroom Wall Cladding Any Good? (All You Need to Know)

Wall cladding is a covering that either saves the wall from damage or makes the area look different. Bathroom cladding is pretty popular nowadays. People are using wall cladding in the bathrooms for some excellent features.

Generally, most bathroom wall claddings have some benefits. But you might be confused about whether bathroom cladding will be beneficial or a money waste. Well, bathroom wall claddings have some benefits and drawbacks. You better compare them and make a decision about whether bathroom wall cladding is any good or not.

Is bathroom wall cladding any good?

Bathroom wall cladding has several benefits. Most bathroom wall claddings provide water resistivity and cleanliness. Moreover, bathroom wall cladding is pretty hygienic than other tiles. Besides, bathroom wall cladding has a good finish that also makes the bathroom look good and prevents mold.

Bathroom wall cladding has some good features that you might like. Among the good features, water resistivity is the best. If the bathroom wall is not water-resistant, the wall might be damped and grow mold and mildew.

Moreover, the bathroom wall cladding makes the wall hygienic as it has a great finishing. If you install bathroom wall cladding in the shower area, that area will look separated and remain clean. So, bathroom wall cladding is pretty good.

What is bathroom wall cladding?

Generally, bathroom wall cladding is to clad materials on the bathroom wall. Several materials are suitable to clad on the bathroom wall. These claddings are generally clad on the shower area.

Bathroom wall cladding is beneficial most time. Cladding provides a clean finish that will make the bathroom wall hygienic and look good. Moreover, cladding has some amazing features that are being popular day by day.

Sometimes, you might think that bathroom wall cladding is a waste of money. The cladding has some drawbacks too. But if want both good appearance and water-resistivity on the bathroom wall, you can install bathroom wall cladding.

Is cladding good for a bathroom?

Bathroom cladding has many advantages. But they have some demerits too. You can compare the merits and demerits of bathroom cladding and make a decision whether the cladding will be good for your bathroom or not.


  • Bathroom wall cladding provides water-resistivity that will save your bathroom from damping and damage.
  • Bathroom wall cladding will prevent your bathroom wall from mildew and mold.
  • This cladding gives your bathroom wall a great finish and outlook.
  • Bathroom wall cladding is comparatively more hygienic than other tilings.
  • Bathroom wall cladding is easy to clean.
  • These claddings are durable and have a variety of designs.


  • Bathroom wall cladding might damage your bathroom board.
  • Bathroom wall cladding is good for the shower area, not for the whole bathroom wall.
  • Bathroom wall cladding is comparatively expensive than other tiles.
  • If you install plastic cladding, it might damage earlier.

So, you can compare both advantages and disadvantages to make a decision whether bathroom cladding is good for your bathroom or not.

Is PVC bathroom cladding any good?

PVC bathroom cladding is pretty user-friendly. PVC cladding is also easy to clean and don’t get dirty often. So, you doesn’t need to clean the bathroom wall frequently. Moreover, PVC bathroom cladding is pretty durable.

So, this cladding doesn’t get pores, bumps, cracks, etc. That’s why you can use this cladding for many years. But PVC cladding is softer than other ceramic and tile materials. So, they can get scratches easily.

Moreover, PVC cladding is not so durable that you can use it for decades. Besides, the small scratches will eventually damage the appearance of the cladding. So, the bathroom wall cladding will not look good after using it for years. So, PVC bathroom cladding is usable but not the best option.

Can you use wood cladding in a bathroom?

Yes, you can use wood cladding in a bathroom. Wood cladding will create an aesthetic appearance in the bathroom. Moreover, wood will give a good finish to the cladding that will make the cladding easy to clean.

Wood cladding will make the bathroom wall stylish but it might not resist water. So, using the bathroom for a long time might affect the wall and damage it. Because wood can be damaged if soaked in water.

Wood cladding will be in a touch of water most time. So, it might not be the best choice. Moreover, wood cladding will not provide insulation. So, you can use wood cladding for creating a good look for the bathroom but wood is not recommended.

What are the best bathroom cladding materials?

You can use various types of cladding materials in the bathroom. But all materials might not be suitable for the bathroom. They might damage and create an unhygienic situation in the bathroom. So, let’s see what the best bathroom cladding materials are.


Laminated fiberboard is one of the best materials for cladding in the bathroom wall. Especially, MDF or Medium Density Fiberboard is the best for cladding. MDF is a water-resistant and durable material.


PVC cladding is another suitable material for bathroom cladding. Especially UPVC is more suitable. PVC cladding is water-resistant and durable. Moreover, this cladding will not damp.

Tadelakt wall:

Tadelakt wall is a natural cladding that is good for bathroom cladding. This cladding contains water, lime, and marble powder. So, the cladding will be long-lasting and water-resistant.

How long does bathroom cladding last?

How long the bathroom cladding lasts depends on which material you are using on the bathroom cladding. If you use PVC or plastic cladding on the bathroom wall, the cladding will last for 25 to 30 years.

Ceramics and tiles are more brittle than plastics. So, if you use ceramics or tiles on the bathroom wall, the cladding will last for 8 to 15 years. But if you use wood cladding, the cladding might not last a long time.

Wood cladding will last for 7 to 15 years. Some wood cladding might last longer than this time range. How long bathroom cladding will last also depends on usage and care.

Is wall cladding waterproof?

Yes, most wall claddings are waterproof. If you use PVC, UPVC, laminated fiberboard, ceramics, etc. claddings, the cladding will be waterproof.

Generally, cladding provides water resistivity, insulation, aesthetic outlook on the wall. People use wall cladding even in the bathroom for their water-resistivity. Especially the plastic materials of cladding protects the wall from damping.

But if the wall cladding is of wood, wood might get damped. Wood is not a water-resistant material. Though many advanced technologies developed high-quality wood claddings, wood should not be used as wall cladding.

Is bathroom cladding expensive?

Yes, bathroom cladding can be pretty expensive. But the expense of bathroom cladding depends on many things like the design and material, installation cost, etc. Sometimes, you might choose a cheap cladding, but the quality might not be good.

If you want to install an aesthetic-looking and good-quality bathroom cladding, it will be pretty expensive. Because, the durable and good-quality claddings provide many excellent features, like water-resistivity, insulation, durability, etc.

How much does bathroom cladding cost?

Bathroom cladding cost depends on the area of the bathroom and the quality of the cladding. Different material claddings have different costs. Generally, the average cost of bathroom cladding per square meter is $17. This range can be more or less according to the materials and designs.

The installation cost might be from $75 to $100. But the cladding material’s cost is different for each type. For example, for UPVC bathroom cladding, you have to spend less. You can find PVC and UPVC claddings from $5 to $10 per square meter.

Is bathroom cladding cheaper and better than tiles?

Yes, bathroom cladding is comparatively cheaper than tiles. Moreover, you can choose varieties of cladding materials for cladding on the bathroom walls. For example, PVC, UPVC, laminated fiberboard, etc., are suitable for cladding on the bathroom wall.

But their costs are not that high as tiles. Moreover, bathroom cladding has some advantages over tiles. For example, installing bathroom cladding is easier than installing tiles. Moreover, claddings are pretty durable.

Bathroom claddings have a good finish; so they are pretty hygienic than tiles and ceramics. So, bathroom cladding is considered cheaper and better than tiles.

Can you put bathroom cladding over tiles?

Yes, you can put bathroom cladding over tiles. Even, this will be more protective. The cladding process is simple and easy. You can install bathroom cladding over the existing wall. If you put PVC or laminated cladding over tiles, the wall will be more hygienic and clean.

Generally, most tiles are water-resistant. Bathroom cladding is also water-resistant. So, if you put bathroom cladding over tiles, it will be more insulated and waterproof. So, you can put bathroom cladding over tiles easily.

Bathroom wall cladding is a good decision for the bathroom wall. Bathroom wall claddings can be of different materials. Most cladding materials are water-resistant. Moreover, claddings are cost-effective than tiles and ceramics. Cladding provides an aesthetic and clean appearance in the bathroom.

If you want to install bathroom wall cladding, you can choose Medium Density Fiberboard, PVC, UPVC, etc. Contrarily, you can avoid wood for the bathroom wall because wood might not resist water. 

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