How to Drain a Coleman Pool (With and Without Adapter)

Coleman pools are in-demand for their affordability and great build. You can get one without spending a fortune on an expensive conventional pool.

The depth and strength of the structure are satisfactory for a temporary pool system. The ease of setup and maintenance is also well received by users all around.

If you are buying one or owning one, you may have queries on how to drain the pool effectively without any mess. It is what we are going to discuss today. So stay with us for more information.

How to drain a Coleman pool?

Drain a Coleman pool using a hose with and without an adapter, pumping, or siphon system. An attached drain valve lets the water out. Use a pump or siphon method for the complete removal of water. Since Coleman pool holds 1000 plus gallons of water, empty it using the city drainage system.

Here we discussed three ways you can drain your Coleman pool. Some of the processes are common. Hence, we mentioned them in the beginning. 

Locate a drain: 

Since Coleman pools can hold more than 1000 gallons of water, we need to drain the water into a city sewer. Coleman vista pool with 22’x52” and oval pool can allocate 10,668 gallons and 3,612 gallons of water, respectively.  

More than 500 gallons of water can cause flooding of the house premises. Therefore, empty the water into a proper city storm drain. Also, comply with the city regulations.  

Treat water:

The water dumped has to be free of chlorine and other harmful chemicals. To test, use a pH kit. 

Wicker pool: 

Most Coleman pool has a wicker texture on their wall. It may feel like it can leach water. However, the inner part is a Tritech liner that is durable, strong, and puncture-resistant.  

Remaining water: 

Use a pumping machine to drain out the remaining few inches of water.  


Once you get rid of all the water, let the pool sundry. 

Now each method with specific steps.  

With adapter:

Turn off electricity:

Disconnect the pool pump from the electric connection. Again, shut the plunger valves using a clockwise motion. 

Get an adapter: 

Attach one end of the adapter to the pool drain valve and the other to a hose. The adapter comes with open and close markings and threading marks. 

Position hose and adapter: 

Take a garden hose and place one end in the city storm drain mouth. The other end will connect to the adapter. 

Set the valve: 

Locate the valve of the pool. Open the lid from it. Now connect the adapter to the valve using the threading marks. 

Drain the water:

Once you set everything into place, the water will start moving out. It usually takes 3 to 4 days. 

Without adapter:

If you do not own an adapter, you may follow this method.  

Equipment needed: 

Get a submersible pool pump, backwash hose, and backwash hose clamps. 

Set up: 

Connect the submersible pool pump with the backwash hose. Use the hose clamps to secure the connection. 

Sewer drain:

Now, take the other end of the hose to the mouth of the sewer drain. 

Turn on the pump:

Keep the pump in the shallow end of the pool. Connect it to an electric outlet. Once the pump starts, the water will come out. Pumping will take less time compared to other methods.  

With hose:

Get a water hose: 

Use a simple garden hose for this method. You do not need an adapter. 

Connect the hose: 

Connect one end of the hose to the drain valve of the pool. Let the other end sit on a sewer drain mouth. It may take 3 to 4 days. 

Remove the Hose:

Once you completely drain your pool, remove the hose from the valve. Then, put the plug cap back into its place. 

How to drain my Coleman above-ground pool? 

You can use a pumping method, a hose with or without an adapter, or with the siphon method to empty Coleman above the ground pool. 

The pumping technique can be considered best when you want water to drain fast. It also gets rid of bottom water.  

Here we explained the siphon method. Find a local sewer to drain the water. Check the water for any harmful chemicals and follow city regulations. 

Create a siphon by cutting a few feet from each end of a garden hose or use the complete hose and faucet. If you cut the hose, keep it 6 to 8 feet.

Now immerse the entire hose in the water. Cover one end with your palm. Now pull that end out of the pool and point it downward, below the pool surface. Finally, drain the water removing your hand. 

When you do not cut the hose, you should attach it to a faucet nearby and fill it with water. However, you may require two people to get the work done. 

Once the hose is full, submerge it inside the pool. Now remove your hand from the other end. Unclamp the hose from the faucet that is outside the pool. Water will soon start draining out. 

How can I drain my pool without flooding the yard?

When there are 500 gallons or more water in the pool, you cannot drain them in your backyard. The water drained on the yard will quickly reach a saturation level, and there will be a risk of flooding the lawn and damaging your house and premises. 

Also, flooded water can attract mosquitoes, damage the grassroots and other plants. To avoid such a situation, we can follow these simple steps. 

Locate a sewer: 

Find the sewer or city storm drain near your house. It can hold any amount of water you dump into it. However, do remember to comply with the city regulations. 

Water pH level: 

We need to ensure if the water contains chlorine or other harmful chemicals when draining the water. Check the pH level of the water using a pH meter or kit.

Once again, if you have not used chemicals for a long time, the water may have already become chemical-free.  

Remaining water: 

When you drain the pool, there will still be some water remaining which is a few inches almost. What can you do about that? Well, if the water isn’t too much and if there is a provision for you to deflate your pool, you can drain it in your yard. It will not flood your house premises. 

However, if the pool is too big and isn’t easy to deflate, you can use an electric pump to drain out the water. Either dump it in the yard or use a city sewer. 

Where is the drain plug on a Coleman pool?

The drain plugs are one of the crucial parts of a pool system. In this article, we talked about the inflatable or an over-the-ground pool. Therefore, you will find the drain plug in a different location than a permanently built house pool. 

In the case of a Coleman pool, you can locate the drain plug on the sides of the pool wall at the lowest point.  

A drain plug is a hole that allows you to drain your water from the pool. You can attach a hose using an adapter to let the water out. Also, it can work with the support of only a hose without an adapter. 

Again, if you would like to drain the water using a pumping system, you may need to connect the hose to the drain plug. A drain plug is a must to empty your pool, no matter which method you use.  

How to open the drain plug on Coleman pool?

By now, we know where to locate a drain plug. It is a small hole located at the bottom part of the pool wall. It allows water to run out from the pool using a hose or pumping system.

You will find a cap over the drain plug valve. In addition, a membrane covers the hole. The lid has a threaded system to sit on the valve perfectly. If you need to remove it, unscrew the cap.

Again, you can open the membrane on the drain plug hole with a simple push. Once it moves, the water will come running out.

However, connect a hose with or without an adapter to pump out the water appropriately and effectively. The valve perfectly fits on the hose and with or without an adapter. You will again find a system to set the adapter to the drain plug valve.

Final Thoughts

Using a simple hose with or without an adapter can drain the Coleman pools effortlessly. Other effective techniques are the pumping and siphon methods. Again, since Coleman pools hold a large amount of water, you should find a local drainage system to empty the pool and avoid flooding your premises.

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