How Much Weight Can a Mobile Home Wall and Roof Hold?

Mobile homes, legally known as manufactured homes, are a great option for those looking for temporary and affordable dwellings. These homes offer more square footage by cost than traditional houses along with lower property taxes.

However, there are some restrictions that come with these homes. The framework of these ready-made homes is not built to support a lot of weight, which is why it is important to know how much weight is too much.

How much weight can a mobile home wall and roof hold?

The walls of a mobile home can safely support 50-100 pounds. Roofs can hold an average live load of 20 pounds per square foot. A higher-end roof, however, may be able to support up to 30 pounds per square foot. It is crucial to stay within these limits to avoid any dangerous risks.

When determining whether or not you can hang a heavy object on a wall, it is helpful to know their internal structures. Built-in assembly lines, the walls are typically made with a wooden framework with a series of ‘studs’ to support it.

To attach lighter objects to the wall, removable hooks with sticky adhesive backs are generally sufficient. For hanging slightly heavier objects, screw the hook directly into the drywall.

However, attaching anything above 50 pounds such as a T.V set should be done directly into the studs within the walls. To detect the studs, use a stud finder and screw the item into two or three studs to evenly distribute its weight.

Although typical mobile home roofs can easily hold a live load of 20 pounds per square foot, this does not refer to the weight of the item itself. A ‘live load’ implies the weight of a temporary addition along with the weight already supported by the roof.

It is also important to note that calculating the weight that a mobile home roof can support is slightly difficult as the value varies depending on the type of roof and its current condition.

For example, flat roofs can support less weight than a pitched roof. A newer roof will be able to hold more weight than an old one. This is why it is advised to consult a builder if you are unsure about your roof being able to hold a certain heavy item.

Are there load-bearing walls in a mobile home?

Load-bearing walls have the function of bearing the weight of any structure above them. Typically, this structure is the roof. The weight is then transferred to the foundation underneath.

Mobile homes typically do not contain interior load-bearing walls unless they are double-wide. Double wide refers to the amount of floor space available which is on average 1100 to 2400 square feet.

If, however, a mobile home does consist of load-bearing walls, it would be the marriage line and its exterior walls.

How do you hang something heavy in a mobile home?

In order to attach anything above 50 pounds onto the walls of a mobile home, follow these simple steps:

  • Find out your home’s wall material and structure. This includes the framework and locations of internal studs.
  • In case you are unsure where the studs are located, use a stud finder to detect the exact locations of studs within the wall area in which you would like to attach the item. This device can be found in most hardware stores.
  • Screw the item directly into the studs, preferably across two or more to evenly distribute the object’s weight. This decreases the weight supported per square foot on the wall.

How can I tell if a wall is a load-bearing in a mobile home?

Since load-bearing walls play a crucial role in supporting the roof and any structure above it, it is important to be able to tell the difference between a regular wall and a load-bearing one. This is in case you ever think of taking out a wall for whatever reason.

Try out these methods to determine whether a wall in your mobile home is a load-bearing wall or a non-bearing one.

Marriage lines:

Double wide homes typically almost always have their exterior walls and walls along the marriage line as load-bearing. If your mobile home is double-wide, begin with these walls.

Beams and joists:

Unless your home consists of a basement, observe directly underneath the floor. Search for beams and columns that stretch from one side of the floor to the other. These are generally made of strong metal and contain the load-bearing walls directly above.


Alternative to the second method, you may observe the direction of the beams in the attic instead. You will be able to identify the load-bearing walls as the ones perpendicular to the joists/beams.


Checking the blueprint of your home is the most reliable and precise method of locating load-bearing walls. By examining where the original supporting joists were installed, you can find out the location of the walls.

In the circumstance that you do not possess a copy of your home’s blueprint, simply ask the company that manufactured your home for one.

What kind of roofs do mobile homes have?

The shapes of roofs of mobile homes have continuously changed throughout the years. Homes built before 1976 typically had flat or bowed roofs. These would be covered with metal sheeting or an asphalt coating.

Houses manufactured after 1976 usually consist of more peaked or pitched roofs. Similar to prior houses, these roofs would also be covered with metal roofing panels and asphalt shingles. Shingles refer to overlapping structures such as small rectangular tiles.

Their internal structures consist of giant triangle-shaped beams called trusses. For double-wide homes, however, the roofs would be built with half trusses that would become a standard complete truss after assembling the house.

Material-wise, mobile home roofs are typically made of metal panels or asphalt shingles.

What is the best type of roof for a mobile home?

Selecting the most ideal roof for your mobile home should be done cautiously. Some factors to consider before installation are durability, shape, and build of the current roof, and your long-term priorities.

If you are searching for the most cost-effective material, asphalt shingles are typically the most reliable and cheap. These shingles consist of continuous overlapping of small rectangular tiles. These tiles are usually made of asphalt.

For mobile homes in locations susceptible to brutal weather, metal sheeting or Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) roofing is more durable.

When it comes to ideal shapes, pitched roofs are more in-style compared to flat ones. They also take away the dull ‘boxy’ look from mobile homes.

However, along with aesthetics, the shape of the roof also holds a structural significance. For example, flat roofs are more prone to leaks and therefore require more maintenance.

This is due to the flat structure lacking an angle for the rainwater to run off. Pitched or peaked roofs do not have drainage issues. This makes pitched roofs a more practical option.

Can you mount a T.V in a mobile home?

Although the weight of a standard television set varies depending on the model, the average T.V weighs around 75 pounds. This is above the 50-pound mark for objects that you can attach to a mobile home wall with just a hook.

Hence, while you can definitely mount a T.V set on a wall of a mobile home, the process is slightly more complex.

Since the walls of manufactured houses are not produced to resist a lot of weight, anything above 100 pounds is classified as risky and should be avoided or consulted with a builder before installation.

However, a T.V generally weighs less than this and can be mounted on a wall by first locating the studs within the walls. This may be done using a stud finder, a device commonly found in hardware stores.

Next, simply screw on hooks into the studs and hang your television set.

Can you walk on a mobile home roof?

Although manufacturers state that you can walk on mobile home roofs, taking precautions is still advised. Mobile home roofs are either flat or pitched, depending on when they were manufactured.

Both of these roofs can support your weight, however, using a ladder to complete repairs is preferable. This is to prevent the roof from being damaged.

If climbing onto it is absolutely necessary to conduct repairs, make sure to inspect the trusses and beams beforehand, to ensure they are in top-notch conditions.

Final thoughts

To summarize, the average weight supported by the walls of mobile homes ranges from 50-100 pounds per square foot. The roof can safely hold a live load of 20 pounds, and sometimes up to 30 pounds per square foot. Mounting anything heavier may cause structural issues in the future.

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