Can You Use Rustoleum on Fabric? (Explained)

When you have outdoor fabrics and want to renew them, you will find very few options. Most people throw away their thorn or damaged outdoor fabrics and buy new ones to replace the old and damaged fabric.

Luckily, you have the option to renew the outdoor fabric and make it waterproof as well. You need to search in the hardware shop and find the best material. Although it will be a tiresome task, we will make it easier today.

Can you use Rustoleum on fabric?

You can use Rustoleum on fabric since it will stick to the outdoor fabric and make it waterproof slightly. You can use it on your damaged or old furniture clothes to turn them into new ones. It will also help you cover the holes and get the best painted over the old outdoor fabrics.

Various types of Rustoleum paints are available, suitable for different purposes. You cannot use them all on your outdoor fabric for furniture covers. Therefore, we come out with the top six Rustoleum paints that people mostly use on different surfaces.

We will show you which one would be your perfect match and what you can use on your fabric. Let’s find the solution among them.

Rustoleum 2x:

You can use the Rustoleum 2x on fabric and give it an excellent finish. It’s durable and covers the holes and thorns appropriately and better than anyone else.

To get the best coverage on the holes and damaged areas, you must use the Rustoleum 2x. It will make the surface smooth and cover the area.

Rustoleum spray paint:

You can use Rustoleum spray paint on fabric. It will stick to the fabric surface and cover the damaged part within a minute.

But you should wait for a day and let the paint dry appropriately over the fabric. Once it dries, it will become the best paint and finish on your outdoor fabrics.

Rustoleum chalk paint:

You can use the Rustoleum chalk paint on furniture fabrics and other outdoor fabrics.

It is thin, and you can apply the chalk paint as the main coat over the furniture fabrics, and it will firmly stick to the surface. Before that, you should remove the extra dirt from the fabric.

Rustoleum painters touch:

You can also use the Rustoleum painters touch on the fabric and cover the damaged area of the furniture’s fabrics. It will not require much effort; instead, a few painters touch colors will make the furniture fabrics brand new.

Rustoleum outdoor fabric paint:

You can use the Rustoleum outdoor fabric paint on fabric designed for the outdoor and damaged fabric.

You can cover the area using Rustoleum fabric paint and get a new repaired outdoor fabric within a few hours. You can buy the fabric paint and give it a new color through the new coat.

Flat black Rustoleum spray:

Although you can use flat black Rustoleum spray-on fabric, you should avoid using it for damaged fabric.

It might destroy the natural fabric color and give the more damaged clothes within a while. People avoid this paint and go for the fabric paint.

Does Rustoleum work on fabric?

Rustoleum works on fabric and sticks to the fabric surface for a long time. Since the Rustoleum paint has adhesive ingredients to cover the damaged area, it will work on any outdoor fabric. You will love to see the impact and finish after using the fabric.

You need to avoid using the Rustoleum flat black paint, which is unsuitable for the fabric. It might damage the fabric intensely and cover the existing color with an unpleasant coat. Other Rustoleum paints will work on the fabric pretty well.

Besides the fabric, the Rustoleum will work on pretty much other surfaces. You can securely use them to get the best finishing and get a waterproof surface within a short time.

Can you use Rustoleum on outdoor fabric?

You can use Rustoleum on outdoor fabric because it is one of the best to protect the outer portion.

You can also splash Rustoleum outdoor fabric paint on your open-air porch sun umbrella, yet it very well might be a test in light of the size of the umbrella. It has fantastic UV-safe properties, and it is also washable.

Thus, we do not suggest involving a reasonable coat on top of the item as it will not hold up as expected when washed.

We understand that it is perfectly suitable for exterior walls according to its characteristic features. This protects any objects from the outside weather and protects them from harmful UV rays.

Keeping an eye on some of these things and using them of your choice according to your needs will bring you relaxation for a long time. So Rustoleum is a good choice for outdoor use.

3 reasons why you can use Rustoleum on fabric

You can use Rustoleum on fabric for three reasons. It’s adhesive, durable, and easy to use. You won’t find these reasons on any other paint that will work on fabrics like the Rustoleum paint. Let’s explain these reasons.


The Rustoleum paint is adhesive, and it sticks to most of the surfaces without facing any issues. Therefore, you can also use it on the fabric because of its adhesive nature.

When you apply the paint to the fabric, it will create a string coat. That is a durable and protective coat coming with extra adhesiveness.

Applying the Rustoleum paint over the fabric will stick to the fabric firmly and won’t come off the surface. It’s a great advantage of using this paint.


You can use different paints on the outdoor fabrics, but you can’t expect all of them to give you the most durable coat over that fabric.

But the Rustoleum paint gives you the long-lasting protection of your fabrics. It has pretty much everything to become your best choice accordingly.

Easy to use/apply:

The last reason you can use the Rustoleum on fabric is that it is easy to use. You can purchase the Rustoleum spray paint and spray it on your fabric. It will dry soon and give you the best coat over the fabric.

Moreover, it will help you cover the damaged parts of the fabric and cover them accordingly.

How to apply Rustoleum spray paint on fabric?

Applying Rustoleum spray paint on fabric is a quick process. But you must follow some steps to do it perfectly. They are:

Prepare the Fabric:

Before applying the spray paint to the fabric, you must prepare the outdoor fabric. You must clean the fabric using a brush or water. If the fabric is detachable, you should wash it ideally. You cannot clean it after applying the paint.

In that case, washing and removing the dirt and damaged parts would be your main concern. If you have torn clothes, you should cut them and give them a good shape before applying the paint.

Shake The Spray Can:

You have the Rustoleum spray paint Can. Now, it’s time to shake it properly and prepare the paint within a while.

If you don’t shake and directly apply it to the fabric, you will get uneven paint. You must avoid uneven or rough painting to get the best finish.

Apply & Dry:

Finally, you come to the last step to apply the spray paint on the outdoor fabric. You must apply it with a brush or spray on the fabric first.

Then, you need to use a paintbrush to apply the paint to the fabric evenly. It might be a challenging and tiresome task.

After applying the entire paint on the fabric, you must wait until it dries properly. It takes 24 hours to dry from the inside. After that, you can install it on the furniture.

Is Rustoleum outdoor fabric paint waterproof?

Rustoleum outdoor fabric paint is waterproof on the fabric, but it is not fully waterproof on all surfaces. So, it can be said that it is slightly waterproof. But in general, when it is used for fabric-like cushions, it is waterproof.

Rustoleum outdoor fabric paint reestablishes variety and shines on vinyl surfaces. It includes any-point innovation that permits splashing hard-to-arrive regions, and a more extensive finger cushion to diminish the weariness of continuous spraying.

It is usually used by spraying; when doing this, the entire surface is covered with spray. Then it will be denser, and if waterfalls on it, it will not sit. These processes are usually a common use process, which, if followed, will act as a complete waterproofing on the fabric.

Final Thoughts

Although you can use the Rustoleum paint on outdoor fabric, you must follow some tips. They will guide you on applying the paint ideally to the fabric and how to dry it properly. You can also use this spray paint on the furniture fabrics. It will be durable and give you an excellent finish.

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