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Can You Use Joint Compounds on Cement Board? (Answered)

Different types of tape are there to use on cement boards. But it’s not durable or effective in some way. So you might be thinking of using joint compounds with the tape to get a better output. There the question arises, can you use joint compounds on cement boards? 

Well, it might seem complicated and impossible, stick with us to get rid of all your confusions regarding this aspect.

Can You Use Joint Compounds On Cement Board?

You can use joint compounds on cement boards. It’s not a challenging task anymore. Joint compounds come with different adhesive ingredients that work on any tape. Mainly, you have to use tape on the cement boards and then put the joint compounds on them to make them secure.

You will face difficulties applying joint compounds directly on the cement boards. You have to use mesh tape or any suitable tape compatible with your cement board. There is no binding to use any particular tape for a specific cement board.

When you choose the tape and apply it on the cement board, especially on the joints, you can use the joint compounds. It will become a strong joint that won’t detach soon. Moreover, the joint compounds must be applied thoroughly and evenly on the cement board.

If you have joints and uneven cement boards or damaged ones, you can still give it an excellent finish. Joint compounds would be your best choice regarding these. You can apply it to every joint and make it effective with some tips. 

Tape is there to use on the board; you need to be careful when you apply the joint compound.

Notably, the uneven places need to have slightly more joint compounds than the even place. You need to press the tape and let the joint compounds penetrate the joint or turn the place even. You can do it for any rough surface and make it a good one within a while.

There is no reason why a joint compound won’t work on the cement board. It depends on your skill and practice. You’re good to go if you can follow the right path and advise applying the joint compounds on the cement board. 

You will never regret using the joint compound on the cement board.

Can you use an all-purpose joint compound on a cement board?

You can use an all-purpose joint compound on a cement board. It has most of the features that need to apply the compounds on a cement board. 

These features like adhesiveness and compatibility will help you apply the all-purpose joint compound on every surface, including the cement board.

It’s a great addition to applying on most of the tape we use in our joint. If you want to block them or cover them with the joint compound, an all-purpose joint compound would be your excellent choice from the other two joint compounds.

Mainly, there are three major types of the joint compound available. They are for different purposes. One of them is an all-purpose joint compound; from its name, you might get the idea of applying this component everywhere. It will give you the best solution too.

3 reasons why you can use joint compound on cement board

You can use joint compounds on cement boards for the following reasons-


Joint compounds are enough adhesive to stick to the cement board or on the mesh tape. It’s the main reason you can use joint compound on a cement board. It will not damage or fall from the tape; instead, the adhesive ingredients will make it super strong.

Before applying the compound to the cement board, you must cover the board with tape. It will be a bridge between the joint compound and the cement board. It will help the joint compounds stick to the board firmly. 

Ground Gypsum: 

Ground gypsum is the main component of joint compounds. It helps the compounds work everywhere. You will find it in powder form or the premixed format, and both of them work on the cement board.

If you want to apply it out of the box, purchase the premade joint compounds. It will be ready to use on any surface without mixing anything. And it will seal the joints perfectly without damage. You can also apply it to the mesh tape.

Durability & Effectiveness: 

Most joint compounds work best on the cement board or the mesh tape. Joint compounds might be a good choice when installing the cement board and applying the mesh tape to cover it. 

It will help the tape go through the corners or in the gap and fill it in with compounds and tape.

The joint compounds are effective on most of the surface. It will efficiently help the tape strengthen the joints of the cement board and become a true saver. Since it is an adhesive ingredient, it will stick to the cement board or on the tape for a long time.

These are enough to know why the joint compounds can be used on cement boards. They are adhesive and durable, and the ground gypsum makes them an excellent fit for the cement board. It will help the tape be stronger and cover the joints and uneven areas perfectly.

What joint compound to use on cement board?

You can use three types of joint compounds on a cement board. The all-purpose joint compound would be a great fit since it contains everything to apply everywhere. It works to fill the gaps between joints and even the uneven areas. 

These two are the best features of all-purpose joint compounds.

Apart from that, the topping joint compound is also a great addition to this list. It’s one of the best components that you can use to fill the gaps and make an excellent finishing. In both cases, it will become your great choice. 

If you don’t use the tape on the cement board but need a good finish, the topping compound would be there.

The last one is a premixed taping compound. Another type of joint compound works best on the tape or taping coat. We use mesh tape as a coating on cement boards most of the time. It covers the cement board and gives it a great look. 

But to make it stronger and fill the gaps, you can use the taping compound.

How do you fill gaps between cement boards with the joint compound?

Filling gaps between cement boards with the joint compound is not challenging anymore. You can do it by following some steps. Let’s start the process.

Cover the Board with Drywall Tape:

Before applying the joint compounds on the cement board, you must cover the joints and the entire drywall with tape. It will help you to apply the joint compounds effectively and quickly. 

Get the Premixed/Make the Powder Compound:

You can buy the premixed joint compound or make the powder compound following the manufacturer’s instructions. It will be better if you buy the premixed joint compound.

Apply the Joint Compounds:

You have the mixed compounds and cover the drywall with tape. Now, it’s time to apply the joint compounds. You can use the cement applier to use the joint compounds. 

It will ensure the best application all over the cement board and on the tape.

You need to be patient while applying the joint compounds. You cannot use it all at once; it will take time to fill up the gaps over the tape. You need to smoothly press the tape in the joint to let the compound fill those gaps. 

If there is an uneven or rough surface on the cement board, you can make it even with the help of slow application. 

Dry & Finish:

Once you apply the entire joint compounds, you need to let them dry properly. Drying will ensure the best finishing and make the surface smooth by filling the gaps.

What do you fill cement board joints with?

You will not find lots of options to fill cement board joints. A few materials and ways are available that will help you fill-up the cement board joints. Among them, the best one might be the all-purpose compounds. You can use any compounds to fill the joints firmly.

Another great option might be a combination of mesh tape & taping compound. They will work together and make the joint more robust and durable. If you have options and want to make sure the best use of cement board, you can follow our tips and fill the joints accordingly.

  • Thinset Mortar
  • Mesh Tape
  • All-Purpose Joint Compounds
  • Taping Compound

Final Thoughts

Although you can use the joint compounds on cement boards, it’s recommended to use mesh tape on the surface first. The tape will help to fill the joints firmly and make them strong. Apart from that, you can use the all-purpose joint compound which is durable and adhesive.