Can You Apply Lacquer Over Varnish? (Quick Answers)

To protect the exterior surface many solvents are used. Varnish is one of the most used solvents of them all. Lacquer is also very popular because of the afterglow.

Can you apply lacquer over varnish?

You can easily apply a coat of lacquer finishing over varnish. Though lacquer over varnish is not a common practice because it requires a lot of time. But the application is not advised against. If you have enough curing time you can apply a coat of lacquer over varnish for better finishing.

Lacquer requires a lot of curing time. You need to allow the lacquer to cool down and set properly. Lacquers in general need plenty of time to set properly. And if you use it on top of varnish, it will naturally need more time.

The varnish itself needs a lot of time to set when applied on top of any furniture or wood. A coat of varnish should be enough as a topcoat. However, you can apply a thin layer of lacquer on top of it as well, for that extra sustaining support. 

But you have to keep the curing time in your mind.

Over water-based varnish: 

if you apply lacquer over water-based varnish, you will need to allow a lot of time for the coating to set. Make sure to apply the lacquer in two coatings. The first coat should be very thin. Afterward, it can be applied in normal density.

Lacquer is applied over water-based varnish to keep the coloring of the varnish. Lacquer is applied to avoid discoloration of any furniture. It can also make the furniture more sustaining from the adverse environment. 

The liquid solvent can be applied over water-based varnish as well.

The varnish itself is applied to keep the color and condition of the furniture intact for a good amount of time. However, for more protection, you can use lacquer over the varnish. It will require a lot of curing time to set, but it will be worth the wait once set.

Can you spray lacquer over varnish?

Lacquer over varnish is a common practice nowadays. To get that extra coating you can apply lacquer over varnished furniture. You just have to give it plenty of time to sit and cure properly. You can choose to spray lacquer over varnish as well, it is also equally helpful.

How you choose to apply lacquer over vanish depends on what equipment you have near you. Spraying lacquer over varnish is probably the easiest method as it takes less time to apply which allows more curing time. 

Setting time is important when you intend to spray lacquer over varnish.

Lacquer spray is easy to find and it does not require much expertise to use either. This is why homeowners prefer to spray lacquer over varnish most of the time. It can keep the color of the furniture intact without putting in too much effort. Spring is definitely an easy method to follow.

2 reasons why you can lacquer over varnish

There is no absolute ground-rule said that you cannot apply lacquer over varnish. While most people choose not to do it because after curing time required, a lot of people are now embracing the idea as it offers more sustainability and better durability of the exterior.

Usually, either lacquer or varnish is applied as a top coating over paintings or other colors, wooden furniture. But nowadays you can apply both where lacquer is used as a topcoat over varnish. The reasons behind this new method are –

Better protection:

Varnish is usually applied to prevent any scratches from getting on the exterior of the furniture or the wood or any other painting. Lacquer does the same work. So if you put lacquer over a coating of varnish it will be safer. 

Varnishes do not last as long as lacquers so it is a good option for better protection.

Extra glossy effect:

A coat of lacquer can improve the glossy effect of the exterior. This glossy effect can enhance the color and the coating of the painting or furniture. The exterior surface gets an exquisite finish with a coating of both varnish and lacquer. 

Which can add not only durability but also external value.

Both varnish and lacquer can be used to enhance the durability of the external surface. A thin coat of both the solvents can keep the painting or furniture much more lively than before and for a long time. This is why people opt for this method nowadays.

What happens when you apply lacquer over varnish?

Lacquer over the varnish can help preserve the color off of furniture auto painting and prevent it from scratches or any other external harm as well. Usually, varnishes are applied over paintings or wooden furniture to prevent any scratches on the exterior of it. 

So most of the times varnish alone are enough to give a good finishing to the furniture.

Lacquer on the other hand gives a very glossy finish to the exterior of any furniture or painting. It brings out the color of the exterior and also protects it from any external scratches. But lacquer requires a lot of curing time.

If you apply lacquer over a coating of varnish it would mean double protection for the exterior while giving it a very glossy finish. But it will require a lot of time to set as lacquer requires plenty of time. However, for that glossy protection, you should apply lacquer over varnish.

Is lacquer better than varnish?

Between varnish and lacquer, lacquer is more strong and durable. Though the two are used in different circumstances and the pool of them have different outcomes after the application, still some people prefer liquor over varnish. 

Mostly it depends on what you intend to preserve And how much time you have for curing.

Varnish on the color used for two different purposes, so both can be used together as well. While there is no ground for an absolute comparison lacquer can be regarded as a stronger solvent. Plus the glossy effect that lacquer gives is also preferred by a lot of decorators.

That is also a fact that varnish is not sustainable as a lacquer coating. And varnish can also be difficult to apply properly. These are a few reasons why lacquer is always preferred over varnish. But if you are confused you can use both of them together. It will just need more time to set.

What to put over varnish?

Varnishes are usually used over exterior surfaces to protect them from any scratches or dents. A coat of varnish can also keep the color of the exterior intact for a good amount of time. But it’s not long-lasting enough. 

If you want a more durable coating you will need to apply a thin layer of any other solvent on top of it.

Varnishes are usually used over exterior surfaces to protect them from any scratches or dents. A coat of varnish can also keep the color of the exterior intact for a good amount of time. But a coat of varnish is not long-lasting enough. 

If you want a more durable coating you will need to apply a thin layer of any other solvent on top of it-

Acrylic-based paint:

Acrylic-based paints go well over vanishes as they are not too watery. Any other sort of paint would spoil the barriers of the varnish as they have more water in them. You can also use oil-based paint but acrylic-based paints are the best.

Paste Wax:

Paste wax is perfect as a coating over varnish. A thin coat of wax paste can keep your varnish waterproof and dent-free for a long time. It also takes less time to set.

If you are not okay with applying lacquer over varnish then you can go for the options given above. As long as the solvent ensures durability, it will go perfectly well with the varnish.

Final thoughts

Applying lacquer over a coating of varnish is a new practice that has proved to be very beneficial. A thin coat of lacquer over varnish can help the durability of the varnish. It will also give a glossy finish to the exterior surface. This is why most people now apply lacquer over varnish.

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